What is the book icon?
I can't unlock the special events because I have zero book thingys. No idea what those are or how to get them. They look like a book with a bookmark sticking out.
Last edited by Cathartic Flatulence; Apr 5, 2019 @ 10:06pm
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^4JB^7L^1ZR Apr 5, 2019 @ 8:29pm 
good question, after 60 hours and on the last row before the final event I still can't figure it out.
kensai606 Apr 6, 2019 @ 6:09am 
ok, each level requires the stated number of stars. You get the stars from races. You get the 'bookmark' by completing each volume. You have to get gold in every race.
To do the final (top) volume you have to complete each bike evolution volume ( on the end of each row).
So you can open row 2 and 3 without finishing row 1, just get enough stars.
Open up the rows to get at the evolution volumes then do the final one.
BUT some volumes require you complete other volumes first.
Last edited by kensai606; Apr 6, 2019 @ 6:39am
Originally posted by kensai606:
ok, each level requires the stated number of stars. You get the stars from races. You get the 'bookmark' by completing each volume. You have to get gold in every race.
To do the final (top) volume you have to complete each bike evolution volume ( on the end of each row).
So you can open row 2 and 3 without finishing row 1, just get enough stars.
Open up the rows to get at the evolution volumes then do the final one.
BUT some volumes require you complete other volumes first.

Gold will be tough, some of those time trials are way too hard for me at this point.
^4JB^7L^1ZR Apr 10, 2019 @ 10:28am 
Originally posted by kensai606:
ok, each level requires the stated number of stars. You get the stars from races. You get the 'bookmark' by completing each volume. You have to get gold in every race.
To do the final (top) volume you have to complete each bike evolution volume ( on the end of each row).
So you can open row 2 and 3 without finishing row 1, just get enough stars.
Open up the rows to get at the evolution volumes then do the final one.
BUT some volumes require you complete other volumes first.

Cheers, I actually posted about this a little while ago, then went to search and saw there was a reply from this. Now I know why its stuck on 4 remaining. Looks like I will focus on these events.

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Date Posted: Apr 5, 2019 @ 8:21pm
Posts: 4