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Bulgogi-chan Dec 21, 2022 @ 3:06am
Shop Specialization
I couldn't find the details so here it is for you curious cats.

  • tool shop:
    Hard graft 1 (Points: 1): Crafting the same tool type with Quill ore in a row will increase its yield by +1
    Hard graft 2 (3): Crafting the same Tool type with Fae ore in a row will increase its yield by +1
    Tools master (2): Staff with Intelligence trait gain 100% tip on 1/4 sales
    Tools expert (2): Harvest 10 items with tools to increase how long customers will wait to be served for the day
    Workaholics (5): Once per season. Gift 3 identical 4 star Tool in a row to trigger a 'Fad' event

  • Jewellery shop:
    Precision work 1 (1): The first fae ore mined each day will produce a yield of +3
    Precision work 2 (3): The first 3 fae ore mined each day will produce a yield of +3
    Charm master (2): Staff with charm trait gain 100% tip on 1/4 sales
    Charm expert (2): Gift fae ore as a brownie offering to increase how long a customer will wait to be served for the day
    Stylist (5): Once per season. Gift 3 identical 4 star Jewellery/Charm in a row to trigger a 'Fad' event

  • Weapons shop:
    Muscle memory 1: crafting the same weapon type with Quill ore in a row will increase its yield by +1
    Muscle memory 2 (3): Crafting the same weapon type with Fae ore in a row will increase its yield by +1
    Weapons master (2): Staff with Toughness trait gain 100% tips on 1/4 sales
    Weapons expert (2): Kill 10 enemies to increase how long customers will wait to be served for the day
    Arms race (5): Once per season. Gift 3 identical 4 star weapons in a row to trigger a 'Fad' event

    Goods store
  • Bakery:
    Bakers dozen 1 (1): Baked goods (use egg + flour) of 3 star quality of below, crafted in the morning have a double yield
    Bakers dozen 2(3): Baked goods (use egg+flour) of 4 star quality or below, crafted in the morning have a double yield
    Aroma master (2): Staff with scent trait gain 100% tip on 1/4 sales
    Fresh bread (2): Bake 5 items (use egg+flour) during dawn to apply the barter trait to the player + staff
    Sweet temptation (5): Once per season. Gift 3 identical 4 star baked items in a row to trigger a 'Craving' event

  • Fishmonger:
    Small fry 1(1): Fish of 3 star quality or below, caught in the morning/evening, will have a double yield
    Small fry 2(3): Fish of 4 star quality or below, caught in the morning/evening, will have a double yield
    River master: Staff with constitution trait gain 100% tip on 1/4 sales
    Catch of the day (2): Catch 5 fish during dawn to apply the barter trait to player and staff Fish whisperer (5): Once per season. Gift 5 identical 4 star fish in a row to trigger a 'Fish Frenzy' event

  • Green grocer:
    Quality goods 1 (1): Eat a 5 star fruit/veg in the afternoon to increase the yield of that item till the end of the afternoon
    Quality goods 2 (3): Eat a 3 star fruit/veg in the afternoon to increase the yield of that item till the end of the afternoon
    Social master (2): Staff with gossip trait gain 100% tip on 1/4 sales
    Fresh produce (2): Harvest 10 items to apply the Barter trait to the player and staff Grown Delights (5): Once per season. Gift 5 identical 4 star Fruit/Veg to trigger a 'Craving' Event

  • Potion shop:
    Preparation 1 (1): Potions of 3 star quality of below, crafted in the evening will have a double yield
    Preparation 2 (3): Potions of 4 star quality or below, crafted in the evening will have a double yield
    Potion master (2): Staff with anti-sickness train gain 100% tips on 1/4 sales
    Potion aging (2): Reduce reputation lost from side effect in half by using cures from storage
    Hypochondriac (5): Once per season. Gift 3 identical 4 star potions to trigger an 'Epidemic' event

  • Herbalist:
    Botanist 1(1): Picking the same Quill flower/herb in a row will increase its yield by +1 Botanist 2 (3): Picking the same Fae flower/herb in a row will increase its yield by +1 Herb master (2): Staff with Digestive trait gain 100% tip in 1/4 sales
    Natures offering (2): Gift a 4 star herb as a brownie offering to reduce reputation lost from side effects by half
    Full bloom (5): Once per season. Gift 5 identical 4 star flowers in a row to trigger a 'Flower Bloom' event

  • Exotic cures:
    Evening hunt 1(1) Common monster drops have a yield of +1 during the evening
    Evening hunt 2 (3): Rare monster drops have a yield of +1 in the evening
    Beast master (2): Staff with bravery trait gain 100% tip on 1/4 sales
    Immunity (2): Reduce reputation lost from side effects by half by having the blessed trait active for the player
    Blood lust (5): Once per season. Gift 5 identical 4 star monster parts in a row to trigger a 'Blood Moon' Event that night
Last edited by Bulgogi-chan; Dec 21, 2022 @ 3:07am
Date Posted: Dec 21, 2022 @ 3:06am
Posts: 0