Through the Ages

Through the Ages

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Offline turn notifications
Is there a way to get a "your turn" notification for an asynch game when I'm not in the game? Right now I'm just guessing when I need to log in to the game to see if it's my turn. Feel like I'm missing something. Thanks.
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Once signed in, Steam should offer you the chance to notify you when your turn is ready, even if the game isn't running. You just need to authorise the game to do so.

If you're not getting that, I'm sure there's a probably away to enable it. Not sure how though?
Laatst bewerkt door Saracen26; 31 mrt 2018 om 8:40
Hmm. I'm not getting that and can't seem to find how to get to that in any of the settings. Could anybody point me in the right direction?
I'm pretty sure I set it to give notifications, but I'm not getting any, and I can't find that setting anywhere other than the initial pop-up. I know I didn't imagine that because "Steam Turn Notifications" is listed among the game's features on the store page.
Yea, I'm pretty sure I turned it on, but haven't gotten any notifications so far. Bug?
Same, turned on when it asked and no notifications.
It doesn't work for some, including myself. I reported it during beta, but have not gotten any status of a fix.
Origineel geplaatst door Narkulus:
It doesn't work for some, including myself. I reported it during beta, but have not gotten any status of a fix.
Dang, that's dissapointing
Elwen  [ontwikkelaar] 1 apr 2018 om 10:13 
Apart for some unique problems, there seem to be two bugs that several people reported. Steam notifications do not work for some people and there seems to be problem with sync between different devices. We will look into both of these problems next week. We will be answering directly to people who sent us bug reports, but I will try to remember to post some update here too. Thank you for the patience!
Origineel geplaatst door Elwen:
Apart for some unique problems, there seem to be two bugs that several people reported. Steam notifications do not work for some people and there seems to be problem with sync between different devices. We will look into both of these problems next week. We will be answering directly to people who sent us bug reports, but I will try to remember to post some update here too. Thank you for the patience!

Great. Thanks for monitoring this thread and being responsive. You guys have done a *fantastic* job on this game. As far as I can tell, notifications are the last (though really important) "missing piece".
Origineel geplaatst door Elwen:
Apart for some unique problems, there seem to be two bugs that several people reported. Steam notifications do not work for some people and there seems to be problem with sync between different devices. We will look into both of these problems next week. We will be answering directly to people who sent us bug reports, but I will try to remember to post some update here too. Thank you for the patience!
Oh cool! Thanks fam!
Well I finally got my first turn notification. Not sure what changed as their was no game update unless it was a server side fix maybe.
I also got my first notification like this... But it doesn't go away once I click it.
Same, got notification, and it doesn't go away. But esterday it did go away.
Laatst bewerkt door Han-Tyumi; 12 apr 2018 om 21:07
Elwen  [ontwikkelaar] 13 apr 2018 om 1:05 
Steam notifications are not really working as notifications. We have been in touch with Steam support and they are planning to improve them, but these promises can take a while. We are currently trying to find some better way how to make sure that players receive them but it is still work in progress.
Laatst bewerkt door Elwen; 13 apr 2018 om 1:52
I eventually got a new turn notification, but it never went away, even now that the game is over.
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