Shenmue I & II

Shenmue I & II

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THANK YOU for removing Denuvo
I don't know why Sega decided to remove it, some people are speculating that it's incompatible, but whatever the reason is, I was not going to buy this game, not even on sale, but if release day comes and Denuvo is still gone, I will be buying it at full price, I'm not even taking the preorder discount.

Last edited by ToppestOfDogs; Aug 21, 2018 @ 9:51am
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Showing 1-15 of 368 comments
Citronvand Aug 15, 2018 @ 9:48pm 
Good. Added to my wishlist.
Latias4Ever Aug 15, 2018 @ 11:06pm 
I'm not interested in Shenmue, and this decision doesn't impact my interest, but I have to leave a message of support for this move. Hopefully the support that people have been leaving already shows Sega that NOT using Denuvo results in more sales for their games. Now if only more publishers did this for their games (looking at you, Capcom, I'd buy MHW full price if it didn't have Denuvo).
Miraglyth Aug 16, 2018 @ 12:01am 
Yes Sega, thank you so much! All of a sudden the 21st can't come quickly enough!

Originally posted by ToppestOfDogs:
if release day comes and Denuvo is still gone, I will be buying it at full price, I'm not even taking the preorder discount.

Oh shoot, I should have thought about doing this. The game is absolutely worth full price. I just kind of rushed to buy the game the moment I saw its removal with my own eyes. Now I'd feel stupid trying to refund it with a reason of "I want to wait until its discount ends and buy it at a higher price" lol.
hypercybermegatron Aug 16, 2018 @ 12:20am 
Originally posted by ToppestOfDogs:
I don't know why Sega decided to remove it, some people are speculating that it's incompatible, but whatever the reason is, I was not going to buy this game, not even on sale, but if release day comes and Denuvo is still gone, I will be buying it at full price, I'm not even taking the preorder discount.
Don't get your hopes up folks. Have a look at Sega's recent behaviour. For some reason they have been re-adding Denuvo in the past month to the following games which already have it.

If you intend to purchase Shenmue I & II because Denuvo has been removed, do NOT buy....yet. Wait for official confirmation because there is something funny going on.
Last edited by hypercybermegatron; Aug 16, 2018 @ 12:21am
Miraglyth Aug 16, 2018 @ 12:24am 
Originally posted by hypercybermegatron:
Don't get your hopes up folks.

I noticed for Mania. Interesting it's happening for even dead games (like Forces).

But this is just the slightly internal changelog. The DRM notice has also been manually removed from the game's Store Page which is very much customer-facing, you know?

If this is some obscure mistake and they put it back in, I can always refund.
hypercybermegatron Aug 16, 2018 @ 12:30am 
Originally posted by Miraglyth:
Originally posted by hypercybermegatron:
Don't get your hopes up folks.

I noticed for Mania. Interesting it's happening for even dead games (like Forces).

But this is just the slightly internal changelog. The DRM notice has also been manually removed from the game's Store Page which is very much customer-facing, you know?

If this is some obscure mistake and they put it back in, I can always refund.
Better to be to play on the safe side in my view. What's even weirder is that there's not even an EULA link for Shenmue. Very strange.
Hermit Aug 16, 2018 @ 12:35am 
Wouldn't have made any difference to me either way, I would still have bought it.
hypercybermegatron Aug 16, 2018 @ 12:40am 
Originally posted by TurtleHermit0:
Wouldn't have made any difference to me either way, I would still have bought it.
Gatsu Aug 16, 2018 @ 1:53am 
OK I'm in, I'll just ask a refund if it was a mistake and Denuvo is readded.
Crashed Aug 16, 2018 @ 1:57am 
Originally posted by Miraglyth:
Yes Sega, thank you so much! All of a sudden the 21st can't come quickly enough!

Originally posted by ToppestOfDogs:
if release day comes and Denuvo is still gone, I will be buying it at full price, I'm not even taking the preorder discount.

Oh shoot, I should have thought about doing this. The game is absolutely worth full price. I just kind of rushed to buy the game the moment I saw its removal with my own eyes. Now I'd feel stupid trying to refund it with a reason of "I want to wait until its discount ends and buy it at a higher price" lol.
And if they change their decision because of you?
Mr_Lootbox Aug 16, 2018 @ 1:57am 
I can sleep well knowing this important fact now.
Crashed Aug 16, 2018 @ 1:57am 
Originally posted by hypercybermegatron:
Originally posted by TurtleHermit0:
Wouldn't have made any difference to me either way, I would still have bought it.
Looking forward to uploading it to the dark web?
Miraglyth Aug 16, 2018 @ 1:59am 
Originally posted by Crashed:
And if they change their decision because of you?

What babble are you talking about now?
koinzell Aug 16, 2018 @ 1:59am 
hold on OP don't jump in just yet,

reminder of what happened with sonic mania(2 weeks delay just to install the virus and not inform ppl about it)
FF15(square claimed that they will not install denuvo)

etherway iv added this to my wishlist,

I'll be around daring release day to ask buyers about it.
Last edited by koinzell; Aug 16, 2018 @ 2:01am
Crashed Aug 16, 2018 @ 2:03am 
Originally posted by koinzell:
hold on OP don't jump in just yet,

reminder of what happened with sonic mania(2 weeks delay just to install the virus and not inform ppl about it)
FF15(square claimed that they will not install denuvo)

etherway iv added this to my wishlist,

I'll be around daring release day to ask buyers about it.
There is no virus. That term is used fraudulently.
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Date Posted: Aug 15, 2018 @ 9:40pm
Posts: 368