Deadly Cryptids

Deadly Cryptids

SgtHassan 14. apr. 2018 kl. 13.39
I reallly Appreciated your first & new game the Story Line was perfect,after finishing the Story mode,if possible please look into adding new Mode Such as Survival bcoz im in love with reloading the Revolver,Choose Gun start the Wave,it would be Awesome if you had this Mode,Also i notice a few bug and thats when i kill the Worm or a running monster,i should wait till they hit the ground so that i can start shooting the one Behind,i know its your first time & also your experince this game rocks & love to see it with improvements Best Of Luck Pal
Sist redigert av SgtHassan; 14. apr. 2018 kl. 13.40
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timothy.brake  [utvikler] 14. apr. 2018 kl. 23.01 
Hi, thanks! It really means a lot to me that you say that.
The revolver has a gotten lot of positive feedback ;-)
For the survival mode;that can easily be done as I have a developer test level that is exactly that, all guns and buttons to spawn enemies. I have more cryptids that did not make it to the production version. I need to make the test level user friendly of course but I will see what I can do. Do you have any preferred positions and ‘angles’ in Deadly Cryptids that you would like to be positioned in? E.g. kneeling down behind a wall near the end f the pillars? At the large pillars standing behind one,? I can position the player anywhere and create a new scene in a matter of minutes due to my framework code so your feedback would be great here to add new scenes for this feature.
I will look into the bug you mentioned.
Can I ask you for additional feedback... I have a scene that did not make it to the final cut. A pillar falling and you are stuck underneath. So you are forced to lay down on your back with the pillar above you... you need to shoot left right and behind you. Does that sound something you would like to play or would you skip it as you do not want to lay on the ground?
SgtHassan 15. apr. 2018 kl. 12.59 
Yea sure thats great new deadly cryptids thats great keep them coming,sure then its worth the wait & about getting cover behind the pillars are great even kneeling down and shooting left & right is awesome,about laying down hmmm u know it depends well for me i would do that once but the next time im willing to skip,once is enough my view :D would love to give feedback as it improves the game & so does give u a better idea as well hope it helps :)
timothy.brake  [utvikler] 16. apr. 2018 kl. 15.02 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Sgt.Hassan:
Yea sure thats great new deadly cryptids thats great keep them coming,sure then its worth the wait & about getting cover behind the pillars are great even kneeling down and shooting left & right is awesome,about laying down hmmm u know it depends well for me i would do that once but the next time im willing to skip,once is enough my view :D would love to give feedback as it improves the game & so does give u a better idea as well hope it helps :)
I will probably combine your feedback with another great idea form another gamer. So I will keep you posted ;-) For now, I just released Deadly Cryptids 1.2.0. Hope you like the improvements.
SgtHassan 17. apr. 2018 kl. 5.18 
Hi great i just updated your game played for 5 mins here it is:
The menu is fatser and more guides which is great, also the Gun Magazine is on left & right great work,Few problems the reloading of gun espcially Pistol,i eject the old magazine insert the new one now i should press the L Trigger on the top of pistol to reload it here is the problem sometimes gun get swamp to my left hand instead of Reloading cant you change the Swamping button to ONLY "Grip" button if possible & "L button" for Fire & Reloading,that would be faster,And your second problem is i have calibrated my Vive Cameras Headtracking opposite of my PC so that i dont get near Pc while moving around alot all the Games i open up bring the Menu right in front of me as i Calibrated but when i open your game,its the opposite i should turn towards my Pc & see in-game Menu,If possible please fix this other than that everything is Great Good JOB :)
timothy.brake  [utvikler] 17. apr. 2018 kl. 8.36 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Sgt.Hassan:
Hi great i just updated your game played for 5 mins here it is:
The menu is fatser and more guides which is great, also the Gun Magazine is on left & right great work,Few problems the reloading of gun espcially Pistol,i eject the old magazine insert the new one now i should press the L Trigger on the top of pistol to reload it here is the problem sometimes gun get swamp to my left hand instead of Reloading cant you change the Swamping button to ONLY "Grip" button if possible & "L button" for Fire & Reloading,that would be faster,And your second problem is i have calibrated my Vive Cameras Headtracking opposite of my PC so that i dont get near Pc while moving around alot all the Games i open up bring the Menu right in front of me as i Calibrated but when i open your game,its the opposite i should turn towards my Pc & see in-game Menu,If possible please fix this other than that everything is Great Good JOB :)
Hi, thanks for the feedback!
- you want the game to start the camera in the opposite direction? I can do that.
- the reloading of the pistol: I shall fine-tune the settings a bit and see if I can find a sweet-spot.
- You do not have to take out the magazine with your hand. press RIGHT part of the ACTION button and the magazine will slide out by itself and fall on the ground.
- You can also activate the slider at the top of the weapon by pressing LEFT part of the ACTION button and the slider move back and forth.
Try it and let me know what you think. I will update the tutorial so it is explained more.

I will code this a.s.a.p. for you and get back to you when it is available for download.
timothy.brake  [utvikler] 17. apr. 2018 kl. 15.38 
Hi, I have just uploaded a release that includes your feedback:
- Realistic Reload: balance of position between taking gun and taking magazine is better
- Usability: camera is now rotated 180 at start
- Tutorial: added Realistic Reload Button Layout for ACTION L and ACTION R
- Tutorial: added dual wield and reload text

I did not fully understand your comment about taking the slider and the gun though. I checked the the slider and everything seemed ok while I was using it. I never accidentally take the gun in my hand while activating the slider at the top. Can you send me a gameplay video of what you mean? I use this free software OSB Studio for recording gameplay Here is a tutorial

Thanks for your feedback and this release was for you ;-)
Check it out and let me know what you think about it.
Sist redigert av timothy.brake; 17. apr. 2018 kl. 15.49
SgtHassan 17. apr. 2018 kl. 23.13 
GREAT...I will let you know A.S.A.P :)
SgtHassan 18. apr. 2018 kl. 0.00 
Thank You for the new update as teh game starts in-game Menu is right in front of me thats great ,Realistic Reload Perfect,About the Gun Slider sometimes it works & sometimes it Swamp to my other hand i have recorded a Video where should i send it ??
Sist redigert av SgtHassan; 18. apr. 2018 kl. 0.01
timothy.brake  [utvikler] 18. apr. 2018 kl. 0.12 
You can send it to
SgtHassan 18. apr. 2018 kl. 0.44 
I send it
timothy.brake  [utvikler] 1. mai 2018 kl. 13.49 
I updated the code a while back based on your feedback. Let me know how it goes.
SgtHassan 4. mai 2018 kl. 11.11 
Opprinnelig skrevet av timothy.brake:
I updated the code a while back based on your feedback. Let me know how it goes.
really srry for late reply i was away for vacation & got back Great those cool reloading are AWESOME well also the Target Practice is great at least to keep me busy till Survival mode arrives & great Tutorial keep up the best work buddy best of luck :)
timothy.brake  [utvikler] 17. mai 2018 kl. 15.40 
Stay tuned. The scenes are created and now looking into implementing a cool entry to the start of the survival mode. Should be ready in a couple of days. Still unsure as to when the player can select this mode. The options are:1) once player finished the story 2) straight away 3) after a couple of minutes playing the main story mode
timothy.brake  [utvikler] 5. juni 2018 kl. 2.02 
Have been taking a break from it all these past days. The next release will take some more time. Hodl...
SgtHassan 5. juni 2018 kl. 3.36 
About the survival mode i say as the game starts it should be already there , it doesnt effect weather we have finished the story mode just keep at first to people may have choice dont force them to finish the story first :)
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