Schmidti 25/abr./2019 às 16:14
Mining Rods Resources?
Do I get the ore/stone/wood from the things the mining rod destroys?
Also: Do I get them when I'm "on the other side of the map" and the rod and it's island isn't on the screen?
Oh and how is it with the xp? :O
Última edição por Schmidti; 25/abr./2019 às 16:16
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koorihime 25/abr./2019 às 18:12 
you get the material into your iventory, or in the storage vault if it's in there.
as for the xp, it is somewhat redused, but you still get xp for doing nothing.
martingolding96 25/abr./2019 às 18:42 
The xp you get is half what you would get if you mined the resource yourself but at least the rod keeps a decent area clear
Schmidti 26/abr./2019 às 8:19 
Okay thank you.
Btw. does the game stop spawning resources if you're afk?
Thats what it seemed to me yesterday?
Astasia 26/abr./2019 às 9:02 
There is a maximum amount of resources that can exist at a time, so if you have a mining rod on like half your islands and none on the other half, the resources not being auto-harvested will eventually hit the cap causing spawns to slow or stop on your mining rod islands. I believe that's how it works at any rate.
Schmidti 26/abr./2019 às 18:46 
Escrito originalmente por Astasia:
There is a maximum amount of resources that can exist at a time, so if you have a mining rod on like half your islands and none on the other half, the resources not being auto-harvested will eventually hit the cap causing spawns to slow or stop on your mining rod islands. I believe that's how it works at any rate.

Ahhhhh thank you :)
Iguro 20/set./2019 às 5:25 
does ores from a quarry still spawn in mineing rod radius?
Truth_X_ile 20/set./2019 às 12:05 
Escrito originalmente por tylerpound7:
does ores from a quarry still spawn in mineing rod radius?

the quarry is only tailored to the island you put the quarry on, so whatever island the quarry is on will spawn ores anywhere on that island, adding landfill to an island does NOT increase the spawn radius, it's still coded just for that island within it's geometrics no further than that
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Publicado em: 25/abr./2019 às 16:14
Mensagens: 7