Cross Pixels

Cross Pixels

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Dohi64 Apr 19, 2018 @ 6:44am
some feedback & bugs
just started playing, looks fine so far, just a few things:

1, BUG: if I press alt+enter to switch to windowed mode instead of going through the menu, then go to graphic options, the game switches back to full screen. I think having alt+enter as a hotkey is not a bad idea, but the game should properly recognize it as if full screen was turned off in the settings.

2, having a resizable window is great but resolution options would be nice to have as well.

3, audio should be muted when the game is minimized.

4, would adding an option to make the whole grid a single color be a huge task? it's kind of distracting for me when every other cell is white instead of gray.

5, I think the tutorial would look better with punctuation.

6, BUG: as I said elsewhere, the tutorial achievement seems to be bugged still.

7, not a huge deal but there's no credits anywhere, developer, music, version number,

8, making the settings accessible while solving a level would be neat too.

9, BUG: even if I turn off 'mark unsolvable numbers red' it still does it.

10, adding an icon to levels in progress would help. at first I thought progress isn't saved but it just isn't apparent on the level select screen.

11, an option to skip end-level animations and just display the solution would be good. now it's either wait until the image appears cell by cell or just skip to the next level.

12, number fading should be more distinguishable from the default numbers, now it's barely noticable that the outline turned from black to green.

13, I think completion time on the level select screen should be your best time, not the last one.

14, going straight back to the main menu from level select is fine but it'd be good to have a button leading back to size selection. as it is, it's back to menu, select size, select puzzle instead of back to size, select puzzle.

15, BUG: this should be fixed by now but zero lines are always marked complete at the start even with autocomplete set to never.

16, BUG: clearing and leaving a level doesn't work, when I go back to the same level, my previous progress is still there instead of an empty grid.

17, BUG: mark green between 2 xs doesn't work either, either all the numbers turn green when I'm done with the entire row/column or everything stays black.
edit: this one seems to work now. all I did was change it to always and back to between 2 xs a few times to see the difference, so it might not work as intended by default.

18, adding 'reset progress' to the menu somewhere might be a good idea, or the option to have multiple profiles.

19, marking cells would be great to have too, e.g. with the middle mouse button.
marked cells still show up on the minimap.

20, puzzle titles and number could also be displayed after solving them, there's room at the bottom, for example.

21, most of the time when I start the game there's a short 'thud' sound (or sometimes something else) even though all audio is turned off.

22, can't take screenshots with f12. the overlay works, so not sure what the problem is.

23, on the level select a space is missing after medium and the level numbers, the boxes are getting small with all these big numbers.

24, the timer's buggy. finished a puzzle after taking a break, it said 30 seconds because that's how much the final session took.

25, maybe a smaller ui so that puzzles can be in the center of the screen horizontally?

26, saving progress is buggy again. if I continue a level, then undo everything to the point where I continued it from, then hit back and come back to the level, it will have all the squares marked I undoed before quitting. this is also a reason why using other colors as markers doesn't work.

27, some text doesn't fit in the hint boxes.

28, BUG: holding and dragging the right mouse button on triangle levels overwrites filled triangles. it works fine the other way round.

29, BUG: the time doesn't show up when you complete a triangle puzzle, just time: and nothing.

30, BUG: if you leave the line you're drawing in by dragging the mouse, be it x or filling in, it resets the triangles. it works fine with regular levels.

31, BUG: on triangle levels the back button says menu and it takes you back to the first page of level select even if you were playing a level on page 2, for example. regular puzzles don't do this.

32, on some medium triangle levels (1, 14 and 50, for example) the menu and next buttons are not aligned properly when you complete the level.

33, BUG: if you continue a triangle puzzle later and press undo, it clears the whole thing.

34, BUG: this is just a guess, not sure what happened but looks like using hints and/or different colors and undo afterwards can screw up triangle levels pretty badly.

35, BUG: cells marked with the hint system don't get saved. click through a hint, the green tick places an x or colors the cell but if you leave the puzzle and come back, the cell will be empty.

hmm, this is getting a bit long but they're small/easy to fix things, I hope.
Last edited by Dohi64; May 20, 2018 @ 12:11pm
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Showing 1-15 of 25 comments
MEW Apr 19, 2018 @ 12:07pm 
Well now I now what I will do this weekend ;D
Dohi64 Apr 19, 2018 @ 12:58pm 
hope you didn't have any plans :) if you let me know what was fixed with the new update, I'll cross them out.
MEW Apr 21, 2018 @ 6:10am 
1,6,9,16,17 should be fixed and in the next update.
Dohi64 Apr 21, 2018 @ 9:03am 
#1 still happens, the rest are fixed, thanks.
Dohi64 Apr 24, 2018 @ 7:46am 
what was changed in 1.0.12?

and I added #19-20 to the list above, marking cells and displaying puzzle names after solving them.
Last edited by Dohi64; Apr 24, 2018 @ 3:50pm
MEW Apr 26, 2018 @ 12:10pm 
In 12 some issues with the workshop were fixed mainly triangle stuff
MEW Apr 26, 2018 @ 12:50pm 
Task 13 and 14 are fixed and are you sure 1 is not working? 15 should be fixed as well
Dohi64 Apr 26, 2018 @ 5:06pm 
13 and 14 confirmed but zeroes are still green for me (#15) and #1 definitely doesn't work and I think it's because the game remembers what the setting was when I quit, not what I pressed.

case #1: game runs in full screen, option for full screen ticked, I quit, restart, press alt+enter to go windowed, go to graphic options and the game goes full screen.

case #2: if I quit in windowed mode, full screen unticked, then start again (windowed because that's how I quit), if I press alt+enter to go full screen, then go to graphic options, it goes back to windowed because that's how I left the setting.

and one more thing (#21): most of the time when I start the game there's a short 'thud' sound (or sometimes something else) even though all audio is turned off.
MEW Apr 28, 2018 @ 1:32am 
ok now I got the problem with 1 and it should really be fixed. Three and maybe 21 are fixed as well. 21 I will have to test some more to be entirely sure.
Dohi64 Apr 28, 2018 @ 1:39am 
yep, 1 and 3 are fine but I still get random audio when starting the game.
Dohi64 Apr 28, 2018 @ 9:13am 
actually, #14 is not perfect yet, only works with regular puzzles, not on the triangle level select screens.
Dohi64 May 1, 2018 @ 12:11pm 
7 and 14 fixed, thanks for the mention in the credits, that was unexpected :)

added #22: can't take screenshots with f12. the overlay works, so not sure what the problem is.

and 23, on the level select a space is missing after medium and the level numbers, the boxes are getting small with all these big numbers.
Last edited by Dohi64; May 1, 2018 @ 12:18pm
MEW May 1, 2018 @ 12:31pm 
#22 is fixed and will be delivered in the next update. Your opinion on the new Background?
Dohi64 May 1, 2018 @ 1:00pm 
it's fine, didn't have any issues with the other one either.
Dohi64 May 4, 2018 @ 2:35am 
22 and 23 are fixed in v16, not sure about anything else.
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