Empire Deluxe Combined Edition

Empire Deluxe Combined Edition

Air Unit Errors
I’ve encountered two errors while modding air units. For reference, I used a copy of the Enhanced udb and everything works otherwise:

1. I added a morph to FI unit, turning it into a BO. The morph works but once the morph completes, it sets the range/speed of BO to 0/0 and it immediately crashes during the next turn. I’ve tried checking and unchecking the “keep stats on morph” option with same results. I also made sure the unit had enough range to complete the action. I can't find any other udb's with a working morph on an air unit, but if you have one I'd like to check it out.

2. To get around the problem above, I set the range of FI and BO to 0 to give it unlimited range, as I would do for a ground unit. However, this causes the game to crash and generate an error message in the debug log. The error occurs as soon as the unit is built. I’ve tested this in an isolated case, it can be replicated by changing Range on any air unit to 0. It appears all ranged units must have a range value. If you have a working example of a unit with unlimited range, I'd like to check it out.

In both cases, the “Air” unit classification was clicked. What are my options at this point?
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jhlotton Feb 8, 2020 @ 6:41pm 
Sorry for butting in, but, dumb question. Is a satellite a range 0 unit ?
backwardcadence Feb 9, 2020 @ 8:30pm 
Yes. Satellites are a range zero orbital unit.
backwardcadence Feb 28, 2020 @ 9:19pm 
I spent time looking at issue #1 in my first post. It turns out if I set the morph type to "land" the range values are remembered during the morph. It seems to be only air units that don't remember their range values and thus force them to crash.

Any ideas on why this might be the case?
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