We. The Revolution

We. The Revolution

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We. The Revolution General Feedback (non-technical)

Since every game can be improved, we're really looking forward to your opinions on We. The Revolution.

If you have any suggestions concerning the game features or mechanics, as well as potential requests for future additions, please discuss them here and we will try to answer all your questions.

Polyslash and Klabater Team
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Showing 1-15 of 47 comments
Hazel Horse Mar 23, 2019 @ 9:38am 
A quicksave feature is direly needed. Not for the cases per se, but for the battles. When you've got three in a turn, it'd nice to be able to save ones progress after each.
Silas Greaves Mar 23, 2019 @ 1:36pm 
The whole game is nice with the exception of the battles. They are dreadful. For some reason a direct assault is incredibly good against suppressive fire , when it should be the other way around . They feel like unfair rock-paper-scissor games. It would also be nice if we could make more agents or brutes or whatever. It's pretty annoying that at some times you simply get spammed with attackers.
helenharris Mar 23, 2019 @ 7:21pm 
It would be great if the player's actions can impact the family and other personal relationship more freely and positively.
With the wife and sons, at the moment it's like no matter how hard you try, everything still ends badly. It's sort of meaningless gameplay. With friends and allies, maybe certain events should pan out differently depending on how you treat them? Now it seems that the character storylines just go on regardless of your actions. Raymond Dévoyé, for example, the player choosing to side or not side with him only provides a "buff" or "debuff" event in the notebook, but no actual weight on what happens.
Sabertooth Mar 23, 2019 @ 7:34pm 
Sabertooth has We. The Revolution Mar 22 @ 2:42pm
What I would like to see in game
1.There should be an option to adjourn the case for a day or to .so more evidence can be brought up .Or that one of the factions can try to sway the judge.maybe even his own family.This would add much more play ability and lantern the game .What do you say deves. great game ;-) I brought this up in another thread
Last edited by Sabertooth; Mar 23, 2019 @ 7:40pm
TheMagicB Mar 24, 2019 @ 7:32am 
As you need to manipulate charachters in order to succeed in a plot, I would have loved to keep some of them in my "team" so to speak.
For exemple, you must become Pache's friend in order to trap him later. But what if I decided that I could use him to target a bigger fish like Danton ? When Pache ends up in a cell the main storyline allows us to stay friend with him and even to turn him against Danton. Then if I was to let his daughter die (so that she doesn t tell anyone that I am the one who plotted the all thing) and blame it on Danton or his former associates I believe Pache could become my fiercest ally. I could free him of all charges and let him hunt down the mysterious D. That way We would be able to play on both side ! Of course Danton could very well tell the truth to Pache which could lead to an even bigger plot in which I would have to silence him, etc.
I don t know if it is even possible to play it like that but I would love to be allowed to be a bit more deceitful.
I love the game though :steamhappy:
Hazel Horse Mar 24, 2019 @ 7:47am 
Yeah, we very much need more player agency here.
Sonicbunny Mar 25, 2019 @ 6:04am 
I'm sure it's a minor thing for most people, but I've just started playing and I would dearly love the ability to turn the subtitles off. I find them especially distracting from the (beautiful) cutscenes.
MeatSpace Mar 25, 2019 @ 11:48am 
The story has been great so far. The modest branching and "re-fusing" of the storyline feels fairly organic since the possible "character arcs" feel like they've been well hinted at in the beginning, but that's just for a "unscrupulous family man" playthrough. The small, irrelevant "sub-stories" could use some more "delayed outcomes" to make up for what appears to be some fairly strict railroading in the larger plot.

The various mechanics around family, persuasion, agents, statues, and battles can be unintuitive, but their variety, long term set-up and modest bonuses makes them feel less "urgent" and I can live with the malluses of being a bad statue builder or having my father dislike me and keep playing on and they give my play "character". The most annoying part in the minigames was how the AI can "lock" all your agents onto a section through battles in perpetuity, and restarting so that I can spread my agents and avoid it was not a great feeling. There also should be some "turn back" warnings around the faction opinion before death, I didn't quite realize how "definite" that line was until I crossed it since the rest of the game is more forgiving.

I'm in the middle of Act 2 and the "crowd aggitation" mechanic to give a sense of urgency seems abandoned, although the pressure of making the "right choice" and the "advantageous choice" while having the jury on your side is compensating fairly well.

Overall it's a really great story, good mechanics, and the occasional "nudging" to pick a choice didn't feel overly heavy, even the brutal one at the end of Act 1, and if you are actually "rigging" the games of chance, I don't particularly mind since "requirements of fate and narrative design" trump validating an RNG mechanic.

Keep working on more.
My Name Is Mud Mar 26, 2019 @ 1:20am 
The screen with all the family members and you have to chose an activity

I find it hard to determine what effect the activity I pick is going to have.

I can see the blue and red tint but its not super noticeable. I think maybe it could be more apparent who gets effected by which activity
Wolff Mar 26, 2019 @ 2:25pm 
I was surprised to not have a full tutorail of the Battle system, and full introduction of it's units.

Most of the time, during act III I Had to die and retry many times to know the weakness of my units with some strategy.

Strategy need a deep explanation because the outcomes aren't really clear and seems random most of the time.

Also having ranged and close combat unit is okay, but what's the difference between Mousquetaires, Paris Guard, and Soldier?

Maybe a full tutorial and unit explanation with some kind of "Military Character" would be useful. Marquis de Lafayette already fled by the time of Act III, and Napoleon can't be used too, so i don't know. Dumouriez fled too. Maybe Romeuf?
Hazel Horse Mar 27, 2019 @ 4:01am 
Riff raff is okay at meele, I think. Sharpshooters [green coats] are really good at ranged, ♥♥♥♥♥ at meele. Guards are okayish at meele and shooting. Soliders are good at shooting and stabbing.

From my experience anyway.
Sonicbunny Mar 27, 2019 @ 1:47pm 
Okay so this was a mistake on my part but it was far too easy to make. I was in a hurry and accidentally hit 'start' instead of 'continue,' then got the wrong button (which can be a common accident with a touchscreen.) Now from being over half way through the game I've completely lost my progress.

In general the profile/checkpoint system just doesn't work for this game as much as a simple autosave/manual save model would, which is much more idiot-proof as you can't kill your entire campaign in two mistaken clicks.
SmashingQuasar Mar 27, 2019 @ 2:23pm 
I have to say I loved this game so far. The artistic direction is brilliant and everything looks really good. The mechanics are great and there are numerous activities we can invest time in. The game is not following the real History but it doesn't matter that much. I think really few people even among my fellow citizens know how the Revolution really went.
Since there is always a "but" I have to say I'm terribly disappointed by one thing: the story.
So I reached Act II day 15 and... well... I'm sorry to say that but this is really terrible storytelling...
I really enjoyed all the story so far, it was really something that drove me to play this game and I felt like replaying it again to see what I could change in the story. After what happens in Act II Day 5 well... I genuinely don't feel like playing the game anymore... This is not really what I expected but in a bad way. I mean... Why? It wasn't needed at all... It's hard to give feedback on this specific thing without going into spoilers.
I'm going to put the game away for some time and I hope I will get over this extreme disappointment and get back into it later...
Except for that part it's definitely a 10/10 game. I just got to much into the story to accept this right now.
Sabertooth Mar 27, 2019 @ 7:31pm 
Its a small thing but instead of just lines in the book where the choices are death.prison or acquittal it should be some sort of stamp.Just my 2 cents
mandelbr0t Mar 27, 2019 @ 8:50pm 
I got a good solid 3 days out of this game. It was generally well done. I share many people's frustrations about the gambling being unfair, but I didn't do any save-scumming to see if I just got unlucky. Died once in the 1st act learning how to play, but ultimately found my inner corruption and survived to the end. I was both amused and saddened by this game - original for sure. The puppeteer was a nice touch. By the time he showed up, I very seriously considered his choice. It was a struggle the whole way through.
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