The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
No bathrooms in Skyrim?
What if I feel like going to the bathroom? How do the Jarls do? LOL! :whiterun:
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like everyone did before the toilet "system" was invented pissed / took a ♥♥♥♥ in a bucket
What do you think windows were invented for?
by the way jarls or old rulers had buckets under their chairs snd thrones
Автор сообщения: The One Outside Your Window(NOR)
like everyone did before the toilet "system" was invented pissed / took a ♥♥♥♥ in a bucket
Actually there are some bathrooms in the old forts the empire build dotted across Skyrim. The one closest to Whiterun has one.
Aristocrats were too elite for a bucket. They just ♥♥♥♥ on the floor and the palace was hosed down once a month.

- btw this isn't a joke.
Отредактировано Tripitaka; 20 авг. 2013 г. в 5:52
LOL!!! I then wonder where they empty the buckets. :-)

By the way, I don't see any showers either, haha!
Asteria airship - theres a bathroom in there + shower + sink + toilet

Also theres mod for skyrim which puts OUT-HOUSES in places
There are bathrooms all over the place. Ever come across a small dingy room with a couple of buckets and a brown / straw floor hiding in the corner of a building, or in a basement etc?

Guess what they're for?

Maybe if I remember, I'll take a screenshot of one, unless others already have some screenshots.
In middle ages, people ♥♥♥♥ in buckets and they emptied them on the street or in the neighbours water supply. Because of that cities were very dirty and... well pretty deadly. But I would still take a fortified city over getting my ass raped by bandits and vikings.
OMG! I'm glad the game does not have an "empty your bucket" feature then, LOL! ;-)
Автор сообщения: CarbonHD
OMG! I'm glad the game does not have an "empty your bucket" feature then, LOL! ;-)
it dosnt have a "you have to take a pis / shait" either so that would be weird to empty your "empty" bucket
Отредактировано 399 angry babies; 20 авг. 2013 г. в 7:12
One of the caves has a toilet. The cave with bandits and ships on north-east coast. A small room and a bucket
Of course it doesn't, it was a joke dude, to break the ice on CrazyBox's REAL explanation. ;-)
Im pretty sure the elite of mediaeval/renissance society didn't ♥♥♥♥ on the floor. They used garderobes for that (except maybe in the early middle ages, during the dark ages, 6-10th centuries)...
Отредактировано Sturmgewehr_44; 20 авг. 2013 г. в 9:33
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Дата создания: 20 авг. 2013 г. в 5:15
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