The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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AikenAidan 11 JUN 2013 a las 19:04
PROPHET: The moth priest is hostile and constantly attacks. I think he became a Vampire.
I am at the part to rescue , Speek to Moth priest. the moment the barrier is down he attacks. Is this Normal?
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Mostrando 1-11 de 11 comentarios
AikenAidan 11 JUN 2013 a las 19:19 
I read that WIKI and I had done what it said but he never stops being hostile. he attacks everyone in the Dawnguard untill beatten into the ground and the instant he recovers he starts the fight again. When ot comes to Read the elder scroll he just attacks the lady endlessly...

He doesn't rescovers his sences.
pike 11 JUN 2013 a las 19:27 
you have to relaod a save from the cave , you need to knock him silly as soon as he gets released ,
AikenAidan 11 JUN 2013 a las 19:43 
I have tried a save from the cave and one prior to the cave. The same results I may subdue him so he speeks to me but he is a red dot aggro and has red vapors falling off his body. This red vapor and the red aggro dot on my radar never ends. Even when I go back to Dawnguard he is there a red vapor dripping aggro.
pike 11 JUN 2013 a las 19:49 
Upon releasing the Moth Priest, he will be hostile. After he has been defeated, if he does not stand up and remains downed on his knees, then he will attack the other NPCs at Fort Dawnguard or Castle Volkihar when you travel there. The only current way to remedy this is to load a previous save.
Solution: You must find the note on a dead vampire on the road south of Dragon Bridge (next to the first destroyed wagon) in order to avoid this glitch. The Moth Priest will still be hostile initially, but will yield upon defeating him.
Solution: Get 60 illusion and dual cast pacify frequently. (Only works if you have the perks that work towards calm magic).
Solution: Make sure Serana does not follow you into Forebears' Holdout. Even if she accompanied you all the way to Dragon Bridge, as long as she does not go inside with you into Forebears' Holdout, Dexion should no longer be hostile once outside.
If on the PC and this glitch is active it can be circumvented by using the console commands KILL and RESURRECT. Press ~ key to bring up the command window. With the console window open use the mouse to click on the the Moth Priest. This will display a HEX code on the window. Type the word "kill" without quotes to immediately place the priest into defeated posture. Exit the console. Once the Priest has completed the defeated posture animation re-open the console. The console should still have the HEX code displayed for the Priest, if not just reselect him. With the HEX code displayed type "resurrect" without quotes. Exit the console. The Priest will then return to normal attach posture, but will react as a friendly until the zone he is in is reloaded. His Compass Marker will still show as an Enemy with a Red dot, but he does not register as an enemy. He does not impede the use of the Dawnguard forge or fast travel if outside the fortress.
Solution: If you have two or three of the Words of Power for Bend Will, you can use it on Dexion when he begins to attack everyone in Fort Dawnguard and he will cease. That will allow him to read the scroll and complete the quest.
AikenAidan 11 JUN 2013 a las 20:29 
Thank You reading the note Prior to finding the cave made all the difference. The Dogs were where they were suppose to be, and the profit stopped dripping red and actually had a Thank You Pseech he wsn't useing befor.

PS: your last post was Blacked out untill I moused over it. just an FYI.
Jogon 11 JUN 2013 a las 22:54 
The reason Pike blacked out his reply is because it is what is known as a Spoiler. It is so that anyone who does not want to know how to solve this Quest can ignore it.
RippedDave 28 JUN 2014 a las 1:02 
well i am screwed, those saves are all saved over :(
Jargon Madjin 9 JUL 2019 a las 2:06 
Illusion 100 + the Harmony spell. That's how I got through it just now, lol
Krathoon 18 DIC 2022 a las 9:21 
Even with the unofficial patch, this bug is still in there. Yikes.
Krathoon 18 DIC 2022 a las 11:19 
You have to defeat the priest inside the barrier area and he will not be hostile anymore.
It is a scripting bug that no one has fixed in this decade old game.
It is a really ♥♥♥♥♥♥ bug. You have to look it up on the Elder Scrolls Wiki to figure out the work around.
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Publicado el: 11 JUN 2013 a las 19:04
Mensajes: 11