The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Pirate King Mar 15, 2013 @ 1:29am
Things you hate about Skyrim
We can go on and on about the things we enjoy about Skyrim, but I would be more interested in what people hate. As an avid Elder scrolls fan of 12 years, I preordered the game, and there are still things that bug me after all this time. I would love to hear about the small nuances that bother people.

I'll give you an example of some goofy nuances that bother me:
- Imperials magically finding more gold in this one. Where do those coins come from?!?
- The labeling of all deer, even those that are clearly Elk and Moose as just "deer."
- The lack of Boots Of Blinding Speed. What fun!

Things that have been discussed to death and need not be discussed:
- The simplicity and "dumbing down" of a classic series.
- Dragonshouts.
- Generic fantasy setting.
- Horses sucking in general.
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Showing 1-15 of 100 comments
Ø76923 Mar 15, 2013 @ 1:34am 
How about the crash to desktops and freezes... -.-
Chronomaly Mar 15, 2013 @ 1:34am 
1. Console interface (fixed by installing SkyUI).
2. Not able to hotkey spells and shouts separately which makes it a hassle even using them.
3. The vendor dialogues ("Some people call this junk. I call them treasures."). Should be more variation and every vendor shouldn't have the same dialogue options.
4. Dragons not landing but flying off to fight Frost Trolls when trying to engage them in melee (before you get the shout to call them down).
400 angry babies Mar 15, 2013 @ 1:37am 
Originally posted by Steevonator69:
How about the crash to desktops and freezes... -.-
indeed this is super anoying
Pirate King Mar 15, 2013 @ 1:38am 
Yeah the console interface was definitely frustrating at first.

Also I just assumed that the vendor dialogue was the same because I always went to the same vendor. :)

CTD and freezes have been discussed, and seem to largely be the result of using any Mods, period.
Mandemon Mar 15, 2013 @ 1:50am 
Originally posted by Walking Love Incarnate:
4. Dragons not landing but flying off to fight Frost Trolls when trying to engage them in melee (before you get the shout to call them down).

Pretty much my only gripe at the moment.
Yggdrasil Mar 15, 2013 @ 2:01am 
The inability to bed a wench in the drinking halls and inns. Come on! A little immersion, please!
The fact that inclement weather has no effect on the character.
Weapons don't wear out or break. I really liked that about their previous games in the series.
After level 40 or so, just about everything is easy to kill.
Inability to form a party such as was possible in Baldur's Gate and Dragon Age. I don't mind playing as a loner or bringing along Lydia, for example, but if they ever make another single player game, I think it would be fantastic if you could have a motley group of four or so.
Mad-Bad-Mitch Mar 15, 2013 @ 2:55am 
Sorry iv got to say it even though it was on the dont bother list. Is the dumbing down, now please let me finish. Two points really hack me off. Back in morrowind if you was in a cave and you ran out of torchs you was thrown into a pitch black world you couldnt see your own sword in never mind the ones hitting you. The EMPTY Word stamped on chests, that really pisses me off the most.
Estrogwen Mar 15, 2013 @ 3:02am 
Originally posted by Mad-Bad-Mitch:
The EMPTY Word stamped on chests, that really pisses me off the most.
I know, why even include them in the game if it has no use?
400 angry babies Mar 15, 2013 @ 3:07am 
one more thing to add to the list every follower is pretty much useless even if you give them gear, AND they are super dumb when i play on my archer they walk in to the line of fire and take the shot instead of the enemie
Chronomaly Mar 15, 2013 @ 3:40am 
Originally posted by Swordey:
Originally posted by Mad-Bad-Mitch:
The EMPTY Word stamped on chests, that really pisses me off the most.
I know, why even include them in the game if it has no use?
They have a use. It's random whether or not they contain anything.
I for one appreciate the word "empty" on empty chests as I had this problem in Morrowind or Oblivion (can't remember which one) where I looted a chest only to have the looting "failed" and the items were still in the chests. It's nice not to have to second-guess all the time, but that's me.
naakka Mar 15, 2013 @ 3:54am 
One of my only annoyances is the fact that barely anyone around me seems to notice that the Civil War ended months ago. :D And there should be more variety with weather.
Mad-Bad-Mitch Mar 15, 2013 @ 4:37am 
Originally posted by naakka:
One of my only annoyances is the fact that barely anyone around me seems to notice that the Civil War ended months ago. :D And there should be more variety with weather.

Get WARZONE from nexus, it put random battles in the game and links to were you are in the story and which factions like or hate you. After the main war quest you get things like the locals chasing down imp soilders if you won it for the storms and stuff like that
Mad-Bad-Mitch Mar 15, 2013 @ 4:38am 
Originally posted by Walking Love Incarnate:
Originally posted by Swordey:
I know, why even include them in the game if it has no use?
They have a use. It's random whether or not they contain anything.
I for one appreciate the word "empty" on empty chests as I had this problem in Morrowind or Oblivion (can't remember which one) where I looted a chest only to have the looting "failed" and the items were still in the chests. It's nice not to have to second-guess all the time, but that's me.

Morrowind was a case of open it and look which is much better than the lazy EMPTY they stamp on chests, also in morrowind you could open everything to take a look
Zaric Zhakaron Mar 15, 2013 @ 4:38am 
*All the guild questlines are WAY WAY WAYYYYYY too short, your becoming leader of the mages is nonsensical.
*Horrible writing: Blades Quest: Paarthurnax
*That message when using a shrine: "Other Blessings Removed"
*AI bugs where an enemy suddenly stops responding and will sit there and let you kill them.
*Poorly written AI that allows the PLAYER to jump over things but the mob will 'path' aka "RUN AROUND" whatver obsticle to try to catch you, the mob simply can't climb.

Originally posted by naakka:
One of my only annoyances is the fact that barely anyone around me seems to notice that the Civil War ended months ago.

*Half-assed Civil War, Ulfric is underultiized; they could have written some more mystery about him using "The voice to murder the high king", play him up as a rival dragonborn for a while even if he really isn't. Also it never really ends, you can't exterminate the camps, the bards still sing of the side you defeat.

bluejwestd85 Mar 15, 2013 @ 5:00am 
lack of bathrooms. Please give me a game where i can knock someone out in there own piss
Last edited by bluejwestd85; Mar 15, 2013 @ 5:04am
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Date Posted: Mar 15, 2013 @ 1:29am
Posts: 100