The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Guild Wars 2 will die when Elder Scrolls Online launch
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Wait... Haxan. Where is this opinion coming from? And why is GW2 your target? Have you even played ESO? Because if you had, you wouldn't be saying this. I was in the beta, like Coelacanth, and also like him, I agree, at the risk of breaking the NDA, that the game is... disappointing. If they are going to release it in Spring of 2014, then they are in trouble.

I don't know where your biased opinion is coming from, but I'm just saying: don't get your hopes up.
You obviously havent played ESO, right now its trash. Unless it gets some serious improvement it will be a total flop. The upcoming WoW expansion will have a better chance of taking people from GW2, although since GW2 is free to play most people will go back after they are bored of other games again.
Gotta agree, not many will leave a game that has no sub vs a game that has a box price plus a sub, well not anyone that has played ESO anyway. Not saying ESO is a bad game, but its easy to tell that the Elder scrolls doesnt fit into an mmo playstyle. Just my opinion.
i am pretty sure i will know how ESO will go.. it will have really nice day 1 sales because of the name.. but it will fall short. Namely because its just another MMO with nothing intuitive or exciting... just another recycled game that we all have played before 20 times already.
I honestly thought that all the features included in ESO would make it a sturdy competition for WOW, especially as TES has a massive fanbase, but I have to agree that after playing the BETA ESO isn't stitched together right at the moment compared to GW2. I doubt that I will even play ESO on release as the subscription is not worth the difference to GW2.
There is one thing about GW2 that I really admire more than any other game I've played so far. The fact there is no specialized "monk" class profession; all players have healing/boosting abilities that help themselves and others within the same event. I find this a unique aspect of the game. This was a major change from the original guild wars campaigns.
Certain NPCs on the other hand seem to have specialized attributes which tends to make them easier targets for elimination and crowd control.
I don't know if this aspect was ever incorporated into WoW or ESO. But I wonder if they've considered it. As for a monthly fee to play, I'm not thrilled at the idea of forking out money for a grind and since ESO is in beta, I don't think it's a good idea. So far, I haven't been impressed with the graphics as I have been with TES V Skyrim.
GW2 and Star Citizen seem to share the same ideal with non-recurring fees to play the games and I feel this is far more attractive to the general gaming community.
Cat 12 janv. 2014 à 5h30 
I think there are 2 points to note here:
-GW2 is better than ESO, no kidding. however...
-GW2 is already dead, so there is nothing to kill.
I played the beta and I really like much more ESO than GW2. In my opinion it seems it will have a great future if the developers keep working and improving on it the way they did (appart from bugs).
GW2 is very boring in my opinion; but as I say: that's my opinion, and there IS NOT a BETTER game, it absolutely depends on what somebody expects for a good game.
Necro! Yeah ESO kinda sucks it's pretty bland already regretting buying it and signing up for 6 months of sub. GW2 is more entertaining and it's free 2 play!
Sol 16 avr. 2014 à 15h35 
joswa_r a écrit :
Necro! Yeah ESO kinda sucks it's pretty bland already regretting buying it and signing up for 6 months of sub. GW2 is more entertaining and it's free 2 play!
I had the same thought 1 hour ago and started play skyrim. ESO is ok but the sub fee no thanks!
Shouldnt this, be in the all things ESO thread o.O , just saying ?
Cat 16 avr. 2014 à 16h07 
jaderive a écrit :
Shouldnt this, be in the all things ESO thread o.O , just saying ?
You may notice this thread was made back in Nov. 2013, the All things ESO in Feb 2014. Soooo no it shouldn't, it'd be impossible for this to be within a thread that didn't exist at the time. Someone just brought it back up to the list.
For all things mmo related there is guild wars 2, its buy to play so no need to look any where else unless its another buy to play mmo.

For all things elder scrolls related there is skyrim, oblivion or morrowind.
Cat 17 avr. 2014 à 11h25 
^I would disagree, GW2 is an amazing game but it lacks in PvE. I tried to stay in the game for a long time but just couldn't, the game is worth the money and the time, but I am still looking for a new mmo. Surprise surprise, ESO isn't it
Rainbow Cat a écrit :
I think there are 2 points to note here:
-GW2 is better than ESO, no kidding. however...
-GW2 is already dead, so there is nothing to kill.
BAH... the risen are dead and you get to kill them over and over ... they like throwing parties.
PVP .. plenty to kill and be killed there.
"nothing to kill"??? Where the hell are you hanging out? Divinity's Reach?

To the OP, you must have been hit on your head ... and suffered a severe injury that has somehow impaired your sense of judgement.
GW2 will keep going strong .. and GW with all it's expansions continues unabated.
Dernière modification de Solomon Hawk; 17 avr. 2014 à 14h52
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Posté le 29 nov. 2013 à 7h09
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