The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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What is the right thing to do in the final quest of the Dark Brotherhood?
I try to be a good guy in video games, help people, save people...then sometimes I go down the evil road. But I am confilcted about what I should do about the empier's final wish. One side of me says to grant his dying wish. The other side of me says to respect the deal me and that other guy had. What is the right thing to do?
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
ZephyrLuxx Apr 14, 2015 @ 8:14pm 
It's all up to you, but I'd say that if you're RPing as a noble assassin or as a villain with a code of honor, then...

the Emperor's wish would probably take priority over Amaund's deal. I mean, the Emperor did die a noble death, after all, and it's a dying man's final wish. I didn't like Amaund anyway...
Hare+Guu! Apr 14, 2015 @ 8:24pm 
I killed him. I don't like the stormcloaks, and he was trying to get the empire's king killed off. So they were pretty much in the same boat to me.
Dadelus Apr 14, 2015 @ 8:55pm 
Originally posted by Fallout is love. Fallout is Life:
I try to be a good guy in video games, help people, save people...then sometimes I go down the evil road. But I am confilcted about what I should do about the empier's final wish. One side of me says to grant his dying wish. The other side of me says to respect the deal me and that other guy had. What is the right thing to do?

How is killing Amaund Motierre not respecting the deal you had made with him? The deal was you kill Titus Mede II and Amaund pays you money. If you killed Titus then you fulfilled your end of the deal. Once the assassination is done and you get paid, all deals are done and neither side owes the other anything - and certainly not any loyalty.

As for granting Titus' request... why not? Its just another deal that was proposed to you - no different than any other assassination deal - and its up to you to accept it or not. If you looted Titus' cabin then you got compensated - so whats the problem?

If you are a Dark Brotherhood assassin then the "right" thing to do is accept any and all contracts offered to you - regardless of who made the deal or who they want killed. Does the DB turn down contracts? How many in the quest did you turn down or refuse to do? Probably none so why would you turn down Titus Mede's contract?

The DB is a business and you don't get much business if you start turning down contracts because you're conflicted about being good or evil. As quoted by a favorite character in a favorite TV show, "I do the job. And then I get paid." Pretty simple.
Last edited by Dadelus; Apr 14, 2015 @ 8:56pm
Cum Central Apr 14, 2015 @ 9:56pm 
kill the empier they took skyrim away from the stromclooks they found it frist so kill him let the imerials know that stoormclooks have it and to go and mined ther bussines and let the stormclooks have it so kill the empier bruldly
gnewna Apr 15, 2015 @ 1:08am 
Titus Mede's request isn't a contract, however I fully agree that the deal with Motierre extended to 'kill the emperor' and no further, certainly there was nothing in the contract about not killing Motierre. Personally, I'm happy to do so, he's a nasty little man, and he carries far too many shiny pebbles in his pockets. I feel a bit bad about the guard with the awesome facial hair, though, hope he either doesn't get in too much trouble, or runs like Hell.

Originally posted by alexanderconner79:
kill the empier they took skyrim away from the stromclooks they found it frist so kill him let the imerials know that stoormclooks have it and to go and mined ther bussines and let the stormclooks have it so kill the empier bruldly

(The Stormcloaks didn't have anything first, they're a very new group, I think you mean the Nords and around half the Nord populace is pro-Empire or at least not pro-Stormcloak.)
Ilja Apr 15, 2015 @ 3:15am 
Originally posted by gnewna:
Originally posted by alexanderconner79:
kill the empier they took skyrim away from the stromclooks they found it frist so kill him let the imerials know that stoormclooks have it and to go and mined ther bussines and let the stormclooks have it so kill the empier bruldly

(The Stormcloaks didn't have anything first, they're a very new group, I think you mean the Nords and around half the Nord populace is pro-Empire or at least not pro-Stormcloak.)

+ the Empire did not conquer Skyrim. Septim Empire was founded by Tiber Septim, Talos of Atmora (orthodoxy), who became as immigrant to Skyrim.

He learned the ways of warriors there, before becoming General of the Colovian Estate, under Cuhlecain. In this role, he faced combined forces of Skyrim and High Rock. Instead of going to war against the Thu'um wielding Dragonborn general, Nords of Skyrim joined to his forces.

General conquered the Imperial city and Cuhlecain became the Emperor, until his assassination. Talos founded the Septim Empire. Nords of Skyrim followed him and Skyirm has been a natural part of the Empire ever since.

No wonder that so many Nords of Skyrim support the Empire. It is practically their Empire, founded by a man (his race is actually unknown; he was likely Nedic, but could have also be Nord or Breton) who lived and trained in Skyrim and later lead Skyrim forces to victory against the previous Empire as a Dragonborn General.


Titus Mede II was considered as one of the greatest tactical minds of the time. Killing him is always a sad task. However, I rather make the kill myself in honorable way, than let some random nightblade to do the job - as happened with Cuhlecain.

And hell yes, I killed Motierre. That slimy little "it" does not deserve to slither toward better life, by letting a honorable man to die in his place. What ever I can pick up from Titus is a payment enough.
Last edited by Ilja; Apr 15, 2015 @ 12:09pm
gnewna Apr 15, 2015 @ 3:18am 
Yep, all that. I don't even take anything from Titus, normally, though like I say, Motierre normally has a fair few precious gems on his person, which I'm happy to relieve him of.
Delta 1038 Apr 15, 2015 @ 3:20am 
Originally posted by gnewna:
Yep, all that. I don't even take anything from Titus, normally, though like I say, Motierre normally has a fair few precious gems on his person, which I'm happy to relieve him of.

Even when I was playing a fanatical devotee of the Void I never took anything from Titus other than his life. Even cold hearted murderers have some standards.
Last edited by Delta 1038; Apr 15, 2015 @ 3:20am
Ilja Apr 15, 2015 @ 3:28am 
Originally posted by Delta 1038:

Even when I was playing a fanatical devotee of the Void I never took anything from Titus other than his life. Even cold hearted murderers have some standards.

I took one thing in my last visit: the Emperor's robes from top of his bedroom desk. (NOT from his body. It I laide to bed, with the original robes.) It is an unique item, after Emperor's body has been removed.

They have enough tailors back in Imperial City to make those, but none in Skyrim.
gnewna Apr 15, 2015 @ 3:31am 
Oh, that's true, I probably would generally nab his spare robes. My planned dandy-bard-assassin definitely will.
Last edited by gnewna; Apr 15, 2015 @ 3:32am
Digstar Apr 15, 2015 @ 3:59am 
I guess "right" is relative. One "right" train of thought might have been to kill Astrid instead of one of the captives but where would the fun be in that. I have about a 50/50 ratio of joining the DB vs killing Astrid.
Zefram Cochrane Apr 15, 2015 @ 6:48am 
Originally posted by Fallout is love. Fallout is Life:
I try to be a good guy in video games, help people, save people...then sometimes I go down the evil road. But I am confilcted about what I should do about the empier's final wish. One side of me says to grant his dying wish. The other side of me says to respect the deal me and that other guy had. What is the right thing to do?

You've willingly joined the most immoral organisation in skyrim that commits murder for fun and about to commit the biggest crime in skyrim's history and you're suddenly worrying about morality...?
Last edited by Zefram Cochrane; Apr 15, 2015 @ 6:48am
Malvastor Apr 15, 2015 @ 8:01am 
Originally posted by Hare+Guu!:
I killed him. I don't like the stormcloaks, and he was trying to get the empire's king killed off. So they were pretty much in the same boat to me.

Amaund isn't actually Stormcloak aligned though, is he? I thought he was just a rival Imperial politician or something.
gnewna Apr 15, 2015 @ 8:08am 
Originally posted by Malvastor:
Originally posted by Hare+Guu!:
I killed him. I don't like the stormcloaks, and he was trying to get the empire's king killed off. So they were pretty much in the same boat to me.

Amaund isn't actually Stormcloak aligned though, is he? I thought he was just a rival Imperial politician or something.

Yup. Completely irrelevant. Of course, you can be angry with him for trying to kill the Emperor (not a king), but nothing to do with the Stormcloaks.
pedantic_roc Apr 15, 2015 @ 8:36am 
Killed him - it's what happens when you play with fire. Besides, I'm always happy to oblige an Emporer, even a dead one :-)
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Date Posted: Apr 14, 2015 @ 8:08pm
Posts: 15