The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Immersive armors mod uninstall??
Does anybody know how to uninstall this mod without having a bunch of NPCs become naked?
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Pulling mods from the game is always a bad choise. The data of them is stored in your game files and might pop up in later stages of the game - or cause a conflict with some other mod. Immersive Armors is a fine mod and I don't know why anyone would like to get rid of it.

But, if it really is your choise, then try the following.

Discard all your Immersive Armors stuff that you or your followers might be carrying. Find a safe cell, a place without Immersive Armors content around. (Whiterun Hall of the Dead comes to mind.)

Save your game. Exit and uninstall Immersive Armors. Go back and load your game. If it does not load, then try loading it trough your Save 1 or quasmoke room. If it loads, then reload it and overwrite it with a new save.

Reload that save.

Make a completely new save and step out. If characters are not wearing any IA content and you did not CTD, then you might have succeeded. Save.

If weird stuff happens, then download and run Save game script cleaner. Note, that it is not a definite solution and your saves might still hold some data from Immersive Armors.
Ultima modifica da Ilja; 14 apr 2014, ore 1:31
btw you can dress the AI again by the console command resetinventory. Mind you there are not that many naked AI Madran is one and some orcs.
Ultima modifica da SpeedFreak1972; 14 apr 2014, ore 1:35
Hadvar, Ralof, several members of the Red Wave crew, guards without helmets...
Ultima modifica da Ilja; 14 apr 2014, ore 1:38
Well after I deleted it I almost immediately started a new save
Messaggio originale di SpeedFreak:
Well after I deleted it I almost immediately started a new save

Fun fact:
Even if IA is in place and it's support for Alternative start mods is activated, Ralof might appear naked in LAL.

I don't know what's up wiht him. Maybe it's some stormcloak tradition that I just don't undersatnd. :p
Thanks for the suggestions, but I am yet to find a solution.
@Ref, I tried both, even after using the script cleaner, the NPCs still appear naked and when I try to reset them or their invs they stay naked.
Messaggio originale di Butters:
Thanks for the suggestions, but I am yet to find a solution.
@Ref, I tried both, even after using the script cleaner, the NPCs still appear naked and when I try to reset them or their invs they stay naked.

It is what I was afraid of. Their clothing data is stored in your save files and not considered as orphaned script. Some actors may actually refres over time and get clothed again, but probably not all of them.
Messaggio originale di Ref:
Messaggio originale di Butters:
Thanks for the suggestions, but I am yet to find a solution.
@Ref, I tried both, even after using the script cleaner, the NPCs still appear naked and when I try to reset them or their invs they stay naked.

It is what I was afraid of. Their clothing data is stored in your save files and not considered as orphaned script. Some actors may actually refres over time and get clothed again, but probably not all of them.

Ahhh I see, so what do you think I should do? Just live with the mod forever, or accept naked people every now and then :'(
Live with the mod until you start a new character. Basically, especially with big mods that affect a lot of stuff (especially scripts, tbh I don't really know what kinds of mods have scripts or not but I'm guessing this does because it needs to tell the game to put certain types of armour on certain types of enemies/allies) make (and back up) a save before you install the mod, test it out, and only leave it in if you're happy. If you're not, go back to the earlier save, or start a new game if you prefer.

It's REALLY not recommended to uninstall mods and keep playing the same saves - there are supposedly ways to do it, and people who *really* know what they are doing seem to manage it, but it appears to be a somewhat complex process and there's still no guarantee that it will work. Put it this way, Bethesda tell you not to do it at all, as far as I know.

If you really don't like the mod, uninstall it and start a new character - if you're finding that it's still behaving as though the mod is installed, you may need to do a clean install (I don't expect that you will, but I'm not 100% sure that you aren't saying that's what's already happening...)
I decided to make a guide on how to uninstall mods safely mid game since it is a bit more involved then just installing a mod. If you follow the steps you should be able to remove Immersive Armors from your current save and have clothes on all your NPC's.
Cheers for the reply :D
I've took a read through it and it's fairly easy to follow.
Favourited it and i'll have to try it out first chance!
Messaggio originale di minoravatar:
I decided to make a guide on how to uninstall mods safely mid game since it is a bit more involved then just installing a mod. If you follow the steps you should be able to remove Immersive Armors from your current save and have clothes on all your NPC's.

Guide recommends exactly the same tool that I recommended. However, I was not aware of proper functions of "reset havok."

That actually makes me to look a bit silly, now when I think of it. The name might tell it all. There is a good change that it will reset Immersive Armors. I am going to test that tonight.

But, first I take a shower. I just came home from jogging. Bad me, for not spending my evening with Skyirm.
Ultima modifica da Ilja; 14 apr 2014, ore 11:03
Does anybody know how to uninstall this mod without having a bunch of NPCs become naked?
Uninstall Immersive Armors and start a NEW game.

The new Immersive Armors v7 has a MCM Menu, where you can disable features you do not want.
Ultima modifica da ShocksVR #AirLink; 14 apr 2014, ore 11:08
Messaggio originale di Shocks -Asparagine-:
Does anybody know how to uninstall this mod without having a bunch of NPCs become naked?
Uninstall Immersive Armors and start a NEW game.

Starting a new game every time you want to uninstall a mod? Doesn't seem like a very good fix...
I've tried disabling every armour in the MCM menu, but the NPC's will still wear the gear.
Ultima modifica da Free Palestine; 14 apr 2014, ore 11:11
Starting a new game every time you want to uninstall a mod? Doesn't seem like a very good fix...
The key with Skyrim is to not uninstall mods; unless you're starting a new character. However, if you would like to test mods before associating them with your character, be sure to test the mod out on a "throw away" character first.
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Data di pubblicazione: 14 apr 2014, ore 1:18
Messaggi: 23