The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Skyrim Closes on it's Self HELP
So i just played Skyrim for 2 hours and after that i was watching like 5 Videos and then i had a great idea to do in Skyrim But.....
Upon Starting Skyrim when its jsut about to enter The Main menu to laod and stuff it just Closes by itself,
i use 7 mods wich for the past week didnt give me trouble but i am confused as if someone where to be able to help me
Mods i Use:
Covenient Horses
Weightless Item/Weightless Items For Hearthfire
Harvest Overhaul
Staff of Magnus And Mehrunez Razor Retextures
Catogorized Favorites Menu
Auto Unequip Ammo,

Please Help a Innocent Fellow Skyrim Player out
-PS:Covenient Horses includes:Unique Frost,Atl Textures,Armor Clipping Fix,Faster Sprint.
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get this and let it sort your mod loadorder

then get SKSE and install it
after install run skyrim via skse_launcher

also check if your mods have requirements you dont meet yet
i already have SKSE and the first link didn't chance anything but thanks for trying to help me
weghtless items is most likely the mod I had it too and the game ctd'ed at startup after de-install it runned fine.
Ultima modifica da SpeedFreak1972; 6 mar 2014, ore 2:13
Okay ill try that
It's Fixed!!!!! Harvest Overhaul was makign me crash nad now i can play with Better Deadly Bandits Better loot and Diffuculty
Ok glad that it is fixed
SpeedFreak now i can continue with my Female Assasin named Jeza (wich is craotian for terror,horror,.....) forgot most thing while looking for cool female assasin names
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Data di pubblicazione: 5 mar 2014, ore 14:23
Messaggi: 7