The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Most pointless enchantment you've ever got?
Mine was when I was at oflvl 48, looted a dungeon, and got a... elven bow of soul trap for 2 seconds... ♥♥♥♥ing useless.

EDIT BECAUSE I WASN'T CLEAR ENOUGH: I had Azura's Star (I gave it to Nelacar or whatever his name is.), and I had an enchant level of 60-70 (Don't remember exact level, I deleted the save ages ago.), and had a Soul Trap SWORD for 11 seconds.
Laatst bewerkt door Some guy; 30 jul 2015 om 19:50
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1-13 van 13 reacties weergegeven
I wouldn't consider that enchant useless. The fortify light or heavy armor seem a little pointless, though.
Laatst bewerkt door Crosstown Traffic; 29 jul 2015 om 23:30
Useless enchantments are situational. For me though, the most useless one I've gotten was on my Breton (25% magic resist) with Lord Stone (25% magic resist), Book of Love buff (15%MR) and 2/3 ranks in Alteration's Magic Resist perk (20%). I was capped on magic resist, so getting the enchantment for that didn't do anything for me.
Resist Disease.
Laatst bewerkt door Improper Use; 30 jul 2015 om 0:18
Banish enchant .. its the most impractical enchant of all

to its credit .. it costs a lot so it can be used to exploit Skyrim's economy or level up Enchanting fast

but the second most useless one is the Poacher's axe enchant (that you can disenchant and use too) it increased dmg vs animals which other DMG enchants do a lot better job for that and arent restricted to animals only
@Syyrall, It isn't useless. You can disenchant the bow to get the base enchantment Soul Trap. The 2 secs on the weapon is as irrelevant as 15 secs on a weapon to learn the base enchantment, it changes nothing.

The amount of enchantment you can place on a item is determined by your skill levels in Alchemy, Enchantment, Soul gem size and the type of soul it contains. It has nothing to do with the original strength of the enchantment on the item destroyed to learn it.
Origineel geplaatst door Roscaria:
@Syyrall, It isn't useless. You can disenchant the bow to get the base enchantment Soul Trap. The 2 secs on the weapon is as irrelevant as 15 secs on a weapon to learn the base enchantment, it changes nothing.

The amount of enchantment you can place on a item is determined by your skill levels in Alchemy, Enchantment, Soul gem size and the type of soul it contains. It has nothing to do with the original strength of the enchantment on the item destroyed to learn it.
But I already had that enchantment and a skill of about 60-70 enchanting. Also I had a much better sword I made.
The most useless enchantment is the one that makes enemies flee ..... especially if that is for enemies up to level 15 and yourself are level 30+
Origineel geplaatst door SpeedFreak1972:
The most useless enchantment is the one that makes enemies flee ..... especially if that is for enemies up to level 15 and yourself are level 30+

well yeah,for me too. its useless if ur an archer or hitter
Origineel geplaatst door Lazerhawk:
Banish enchant .. its the most impractical enchant of all

to its credit .. it costs a lot so it can be used to exploit Skyrim's economy or level up Enchanting fast

Thats cause after the Oblivion invasion everyone is all emotionally scarred about Daedra and need anything sharp, pointy or clublike ready for the next invasion.
The most useless enchantment is the one you need least. At level 83, there's little the world has to offer me that I can't already create myself, so pretty much all drops are useless apart from their worth in coin (and considering I pretty much own a half stake in Skyrim, that's not much either).
Laatst bewerkt door Stoob; 30 jul 2015 om 5:45
Origineel geplaatst door Improper Use:
Origineel geplaatst door Lazerhawk:
Banish enchant .. its the most impractical enchant of all

to its credit .. it costs a lot so it can be used to exploit Skyrim's economy or level up Enchanting fast

Thats cause after the Oblivion invasion everyone is all emotionally scarred about Daedra and need anything sharp, pointy or clublike ready for the next invasion.

fair enough
Origineel geplaatst door 「Nekomata」:
Origineel geplaatst door Stoob:
The most useless enchantment is the one you need least. At level 83, there's little the world has to offer me that I can't already create myself, so pretty much all drops are useless apart from their worth in coin (and considering I pretty much own a half stake in Skyrim, that's not much either).
Me confoos. How do you get Skyrim so stable? :steamsad:
In what way?
Origineel geplaatst door Syyrall:
Mine was when I was at oflvl 48, looted a dungeon, and got a... elven bow of soul trap for 2 seconds... ♥♥♥♥ing useless.
What's useless about it? All you gotta do is shoot something with it while having an empty soul gem. If you're trying to level enchanting, such an item is very very useful. Are you worried about the two seconds? Don't be, just kill something with it. There is no time delay with bows. When the arrow hits, it hits, it doesn't orbit around for more than two seconds just to spite you. Kill something with the bow and BOOM soul trap.
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Geplaatst op: 29 jul 2015 om 23:22
Aantal berichten: 13