The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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I May Finally Be Back
So, I gave up for awhile but did a clean install today and SO FAR no CTDs or freezes. Hopefully it'll stay that way and I can finally enjoy Skyrim again :D
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Awesome. Happy exploring :)
If you woulda seen my posts a while back you'd understand haha I fought with this game for a solid month before giving in and waiting awhile to try again.
CTDs are a fact of life here. Just quicksave often and it won't be too bad.
Mine were actually really bad took forever to get everything fixed. But I'm back for now haha
Make a back up of your safe files XD AND your Skyrim folder when everything is ok!
Good for you! So now we're both playing with fresh starts! ;-)
Will do Osiris! :) and Hopefully so Leo before it would work fine one day but not the next so I'm about to find out if it's stayed working haha
Surprise, SURPRISE: Crash. Oh well. Only going to load 200 mods this time... sound familiar? Then you need help.. discuss with Skyrimnut.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on MageThis; 19.6.2014 klo 18.09
The only things I didn't use this time were Skyrim HD 2k and SkyrimMoMod and that Elder Scrolls Collection off of Steam the quests and places. I don't see how those were causing the crashes but once I play for a while and nothing crashes I'll add those to my list. I don't even have many mods. 73 if you count the ones I'm not using that I normally use.
disable ALL content do it one expansion at a time and only use left hand ring mod, for obvious reasons unless your char lost an arm when he got off the helgen carriage xD
Totally got psyched out...went to make a new game and it froze after I clicked new game. It freezes on the main menu scree. But when I bring up Task Manager it says it's runnning.
Qahnaarin lähetti viestin:
Totally got psyched out...went to make a new game and it froze after I clicked new game. It freezes on the main menu scree. But when I bring up Task Manager it says it's runnning.

If you haven't start a new thread about your issue(s).
MageThis lähetti viestin:
Surprise, SURPRISE: Crash. Oh well. Only going to load 200 mods this time... sound familiar? Then you need help.. discuss with Skyrimnut.

Having too many mods may frequently cause crashes, but I think it also depends on the specs of your PC and which mods you use because a computer can only handle so much and some mods might conflict with each other. I'm literally using two hundred mods myself, but I haven't even experienced any crashes in a while. The game does freeze on some occasions, but the problem I usually encounter is when the game gets stuck on the loading screen sometimes.
BelphegorATS lähetti viestin:
MageThis lähetti viestin:
Surprise, SURPRISE: Crash. Oh well. Only going to load 200 mods this time... sound familiar? Then you need help.. discuss with Skyrimnut.

Having too many mods may frequently cause crashes, but I think it also depends on the specs of your PC and which mods you use because a computer can only handle so much and some mods might conflict with each other. I'm literally using two hundred mods myself, but I haven't even experienced any crashes in a while. The game does freeze on some occasions, but the problem I usually encounter is when the game gets stuck on the loading screen sometimes.
Sure encourage people to use 200 mods. Try this: pick 40 (I have only 39) but in over 2000 hours I had 1 (one) crash and that was because WS screwed me by either updating or moving my mods. Took me 20 minutes to unscrew .
Qahnaarin lähetti viestin:
Will do Osiris! :) and Hopefully so Leo before it would work fine one day but not the next so I'm about to find out if it's stayed working haha

Well, "Q". I just returned to my PC, after leaving it alone for over 12 hours or so, with the ceiling fan off, so it wasn't as cool in the room as usual. The monitor was off, to help save energy too. But otherwise, I left my PC on, and the game paused and minimized. Once I catch up with "Facebook" and these forums, I'm hoping that I can resume the game without it having a freeze/lock-up, or CTD. Good luck again for both of us! :-)
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Leo Star Dragon 1; 20.6.2014 klo 1.27
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 18.6.2014 klo 23.24
Viestejä: 22