The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Will leveling fast screw up the game?
Like the other Elder Scroll games, Skyrim is full of cheese when it comes to leveling. I'm not concerned about mob difficulty, so much as screwing up questing. Will leveling fast block the character from getting quests or mess up quest lines' progression order?

Also, without reading a full walkthrough, is there a quest order that should be followed to do all of the quests in the game? For example, I'm guessing there might be contract assassinations that would kill key quest NPCs, if done out of sequence. Not looking for full spoilers, so much as a general guideline for doing all of the quests.
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not at all i tend to play it on legendary just so i can level up faster obviously when you level up you'll start coming across stronger enemies, and it doesn't matter what order you do the quests, you cannot kill a npc until all quests are done involving that person
i was meant to add if you get a quest that involves killing someone it will not mess anything up
Dragons and vampires can end up killing quest NPCs if you don't mod in some fashion to get around that.

Levelling up fast won't break anything but it will make the playthrough dull as dishwater that much quicker. In vanilla - even on legendary - you're totally OP by lvl 30 ... that's just my opinion though.

As for quest order - go do what you want - though I do personally recommend NOT doing everything with one character - cuz you'll just be even more cheesily OP. But if that's your thing go to it!
can anyone help me with my enchanting problem
Автор сообщения: Editas3CZ
can anyone help me with my enchanting problem
what problem.
Автор сообщения: Metatron
Автор сообщения: Editas3CZ
can anyone help me with my enchanting problem
what problem.
he's made a thread and he's just spamming the same thing in every discussion
Автор сообщения: Sith Olus
Автор сообщения: Metatron
what problem.
he's made a thread and he's just spamming the same thing in every discussion
ah alright then
No; Skyrim does not suffer from the same "NPC Level Scaling" as Oblivion.
Thanks for the replies. I'm hoping to do at least three playthroughs, one of each archtype, so I'm really hoping I can do all of the quests between the three runs, not necessarily with my first character.

It's fairly difficult to level a balanced character. I normally either end up combat heavy, and lacking other skills, or the opposite and have no combat skills. I've started a couple times and it's quite easy to reach 10th+ before leaving the first village. I've restarted so many times already because it starts to look like I'll reach max level before getting through a fraction of the game.

I don't want to make it more difficult to level, but have it take longer. Hmm. Would it be possible for me to just not use the level up option to stay lower level (and still get the skill levels)? Or would mob difficulty increase by the actual "experience" that I've gained from skills? If I don't get an answer, I'll give this method a go in my next game.
I don't know what not taking the level will do to the levelled environement around you.

The vanilla levelling system is on speed as far as I'm concerned and my setup is heavily modded to slow it down. Like it takes hours and hours for me to get to level 15 now and after 20 trainers are essential.

Maybe a bit extreme for some but it was the best I could think of - cuz vanilla is pants =)
Автор сообщения: Jidokwon
I don't want to make it more difficult to level, but have it take longer. Hmm. Would it be possible for me to just not use the level up option to stay lower level (and still get the skill levels)? Or would mob difficulty increase by the actual "experience" that I've gained from skills? If I don't get an answer, I'll give this method a go in my next game.
You can 'save' level ups by not using them. And you can continue to level too. Believe it or not playing on easy would make leveling take longer since you dont use your combats skills as much. Mob level is dependant on actual level and not skill level.
I believe NPCs still level up even if you don't take the levelup/perks, so I wouldn't hold onto those too long. (I still like to save them for the free instant heal though) I know there are plenty of mods out there to slow exp gain and the like, since increasing the difficulty doesn't do anything (I think it makes you level slightly faster, since everything does more damage)
@Mumbles and Shocks: I'm guessing it's probably different for each NPC, but are many low enough level and deliberatly put in places that high level mobs will kill them that this is a common problem? I didn't care for the leveling in Oblivion so didn't give it much of a try. Are you saying NPCs in Skyrim scale with player level or that they don't? I've already seen hour long brawls due to NPCs leveling, but this might be specific to companions.
Thanks again for the replies. I have restartitis and have difficulty finishing a game when I'm not satisfied with my character development or find out that I'd be missing out *possible* quests were I to continue. That said, I'm hoping do one full vanilla game before I start looking for mods. I had heard higher difficulty settings just make fights last longer (they don't make mobs smarter or more difficult), so I've just been using Adept (I think) setting. My highest character reached 30th in the second city, before doing any major quests. If what Metatron said is accurate, I should be able to play the same way and keep the character under level 10.

edit: Bah. I don't think this would be feasable, as I'd have to fully level up to spend any perks. For example, if I leveled my skills where I should be 30th level, but kept the character at 10th level, I wouldn't be able to level to 15th when I felt it was appropriate. I'd have to level all the way to 30th. Perhaps an unmodded vanilla game the way I want to play isn't possible with this weak leveling system.
Отредактировано Megiddo; 15 июн. 2014 г. в 11:35
Автор сообщения: Jidokwon
@Mumbles and Shocks: I'm guessing it's probably different for each NPC, but are many low enough level and deliberatly put in places that high level mobs will kill them that this is a common problem? I didn't care for the leveling in Oblivion so didn't give it much of a try. Are you saying NPCs in Skyrim scale with player level or that they don't? I've already seen hour long brawls due to NPCs leveling, but this might be specific to companions.
Trust me Bethesda fixed the problem Oblivion suffered from.

Encounters can still be scaled to the player, but these tend to be "Bosses" or "Special Enemy" type encounters. I'm not entirely up on my knowledge regarding enemy scaling, but I believe some lower level enemies can still scale [lets say they are 2/3 the players level], but there are level caps implemented; for example, some enemies cannot level past lvl 20.

Trust me, nothing like Oblivion, where EVERYTHING is the same level as you.
Отредактировано ShocksVR #AirLink; 15 июн. 2014 г. в 11:35
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