The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Vaan 7 Feb 2016 @ 5:07pm
What's the best gear for an archer?
I have full leg dragonbone set right now, but havent enchanted anything due to not knowing if it's worth the effort (making full enchanter set, then making full blacksmith set, then elixirs, and then upgrading/enchanting the gear with those) right now. What would you reccomend?
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ᴠᴀʀ 7 Feb 2016 @ 5:21pm 
Disenchant any items that have +Archery stats

You can apply these enchants to your current gear, and if you use blacksmith + enchanting gear, your enchanted stats will increase.
This is a great thread for I more often than not play as a "Stealth archer".

It depends on what build you are going for. You definatley do not need a full set of dragonbone armor for an archer. Archers rely on distance and movement in order to be used efficiently. You want "Light armors" such as glass or elven. Personally I like the Ancient Falmer Armor (Dawngaurd DLC) that you can get. It's LA with enchantments that are specifically for archers.

You can also enchant things like necklaces with damage or movement buffs that are good for archers as well.

More than likely you will find archers hiding somewhere while facing the enemy from a distance. Behind rocks, (bushes dont work well because you know Bethesda's sneak), and up in high places (or in low places). Sneak skills are incredible for archers, muffled movement and quiet arms/reloading prevent groups of enemies from effectivley "targeting" you.

I cannot count how many Falmer I have ended up one-shotting becuase of how I deck my character's build. Most enemies will never know what hit them.

From your description you favor potions/elixers. Poisons are great on bows. If you know the thieve's guild questline, poison and bows almost end up..well...I will let that sit in your head if you havn't done the questline.

Hope this helps! :falkwreath:
Terakhir diedit oleh SkyeRangerDelta; 7 Feb 2016 @ 5:29pm
Diposting pertama kali oleh sm0:
Disenchant any items that have +Archery stats

You can apply these enchants to your current gear, and if you use blacksmith + enchanting gear, your enchanted stats will increase.

Also dont forget light armour, its way more important to wear gear that is lighter, so you can move faster rather than be a tank that can barely move in any of the full plate heavy armous...
A custom muffle enchant, applied to your boots, removes all movement noise from your character (regardless as to what else you're wearing, and of the strength of soul used). Without eg the Steed Stone you'll still move faster in light armour, though a sufficiently advanced character can wear whatever the heck they like without penalty.

I consider magic resist to be very important. I've also taken a fancy to using 100% alteration spell cost removal gear alongside weapons with the strongest paralyse effects I can create; doesn't seem to work on dragons, though.
Vaan 7 Feb 2016 @ 5:43pm 
Cheers for the suggestions. I usually always sneak killing off enemies one by one, but when it comes to battle I use spells to keep the aggro on lydia (who is sporting full daedric right now) and I just shoot away. Gonna see if I can find an archery item at a vendor to disenchant
A bow with arrows.
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Tanggal Diposting: 7 Feb 2016 @ 5:07pm
Postingan: 6