The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Nexus Mod Manager not working right. HALP PLZ!
Everytime I open NMM either manually or by trying to download something from the nexus the launcher will pop up, let me select my game. (skyrim) Then after I do, it will give me the skyrim setup page to select my mod directory. wierd since I've been using mods for a while and I did this before.. I select the default since thats what I did before. I click finish and it will pull up a couple mods and say, "____ cannot be found. However, a different version has been detected. The installed missing version is _____ the new version is ___ . You can either upgrade this mod or delete it. If you cancel NMM will close and you will have to put the mod c:\Games\NMM\Skyrim\Mods\_____ back in the mods folder. would you like to upgrade?" I click yes. It goes through a few more mods in the same way, then it will give me this. " c:\Games\NMM\Skyrim\Mods\______ cannot be found. This could be caused by setting the wrong 'mods' folder, or an old config file being used. If you haven't deleted or moved any of your mods on your hard drive and they're still on your hard drive somewhere, then select YES and input the proper location of your 'mods' folder. if you select NO NMM will automatically uninstall the missing mods files." I still have the mods and I dont want them uninstalled so i click YES. Then it bring me back to game selection!!! i select skyrim and IT BRINGS ME BACK TO SETUP!!! it just loops like that. PLZ HALP
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17/7 megjegyzés mutatása
Switch to Mod Organizer. It's things like this that made me switch.
TheLaw6996 eredeti hozzászólása:
Everytime I open NMM either manually or by trying to download something from the nexus the launcher will pop up, let me select my game. (skyrim) Then after I do, it will give me the skyrim setup page to select my mod directory. wierd since I've been using mods for a while and I did this before.. I select the default since thats what I did before. I click finish and it will pull up a couple mods and say, "____ cannot be found. However, a different version has been detected. The installed missing version is _____ the new version is ___ . You can either upgrade this mod or delete it. If you cancel NMM will close and you will have to put the mod c:\Games\NMM\Skyrim\Mods\_____ back in the mods folder. would you like to upgrade?" I click yes. It goes through a few more mods in the same way, then it will give me this. " c:\Games\NMM\Skyrim\Mods\______ cannot be found. This could be caused by setting the wrong 'mods' folder, or an old config file being used. If you haven't deleted or moved any of your mods on your hard drive and they're still on your hard drive somewhere, then select YES and input the proper location of your 'mods' folder. if you select NO NMM will automatically uninstall the missing mods files." I still have the mods and I dont want them uninstalled so i click YES. Then it bring me back to game selection!!! i select skyrim and IT BRINGS ME BACK TO SETUP!!! it just loops like that. PLZ HALP
FalconH20 eredeti hozzászólása:
TheLaw6996 eredeti hozzászólása:
Everytime I open NMM either manually or by trying to download something from the nexus the launcher will pop up, let me select my game. (skyrim) Then after I do, it will give me the skyrim setup page to select my mod directory. wierd since I've been using mods for a while and I did this before.. I select the default since thats what I did before. I click finish and it will pull up a couple mods and say, "____ cannot be found. However, a different version has been detected. The installed missing version is _____ the new version is ___ . You can either upgrade this mod or delete it. If you cancel NMM will close and you will have to put the mod c:\Games\NMM\Skyrim\Mods\_____ back in the mods folder. would you like to upgrade?" I click yes. It goes through a few more mods in the same way, then it will give me this. " c:\Games\NMM\Skyrim\Mods\______ cannot be found. This could be caused by setting the wrong 'mods' folder, or an old config file being used. If you haven't deleted or moved any of your mods on your hard drive and they're still on your hard drive somewhere, then select YES and input the proper location of your 'mods' folder. if you select NO NMM will automatically uninstall the missing mods files." I still have the mods and I dont want them uninstalled so i click YES. Then it bring me back to game selection!!! i select skyrim and IT BRINGS ME BACK TO SETUP!!! it just loops like that. PLZ HALP
JDaremo Fireheart eredeti hozzászólása:
Switch to Mod Organizer. It's things like this that made me switch.
is that part of the nexus as well?
TheLaw6996 eredeti hozzászólása:
JDaremo Fireheart eredeti hozzászólása:
Switch to Mod Organizer. It's things like this that made me switch.
is that part of the nexus as well?
You can download mods from the Nexus with Mod Organizer.
small heads up MO and NMM are on there way out the Gentleman who created MO has joined Nexus Team and creating the next NMM so until that happens we're just going to have to muttle through.

To each his own not everyone likes MO and not everyone wants have to learn how to deal with a mod manager that decouples the mods from the data folder in (add your game of choice here).

all the original poster wants is a solution to his problem not another one with a Mod Manager that has a steaper learning curve. (this isn't fanboyism here for NMM - there is a rule it's called KISS ) Keep it simple ___ under this rule the best way to install mods would be to manually install all of them keeping a binder or a database as thick as one kept by Google to keep track of what goes where in what order and all that crap.

The easiest way to correct his problem would be to wipe all the database files stored under NMM. (exact directory not sure as i'm remembering this off the top of my head .)

advantage to this you'll stop getting the errors disadvantage you'll have to reregister your mods with NMM.

Next obvious fix for this problem would be to install Wryebash and place all of his mods under that and have it keep track of his mods. advantage WB can make bash patches and still allow you to use all the other utilites the way NMM does.

p.s i use a separate drive to run all my game from Steam ergo Skyrim path to directory with the xml files is x:\games\Nexus Mod Manager\Skyrim\install info \*.xml /*.bak

if your not up for that the alternate is to download the standalone vesion of WryeBash , I've been using WB with Oblivion and have very few problems (out side of one that oblivion has with my video card and tearing in game. Big thing to note with WB is that you right click to access most commands.
dcitrigno eredeti hozzászólása:
To each his own not everyone likes MO and not everyone wants have to learn how to deal with a mod manager that decouples the mods from the data folder in (add your game of choice here).
There's no "decoupling"; MO has a virtual data folder so that nubes who are busy picking their noses (which let's be honest here, is basically the majority of people) while installing mods don't fubar their game folder and have to reinstall everything, or have to perform periodic cleanups when they remove a mod that may or may not leave behind stray files that requires nuking the game installation.

dcitrigno eredeti hozzászólása:
all the original poster wants is a solution to his problem not another one with a Mod Manager that has a steaper learning curve.
There's no "steep" learning curve. I've used NMM and MO both; the amount of time it took to learn MO was about the same as NMM if not a little bit more. Unfortunately the UI scares off people and I think they get the impression that it's more complicated then it really is.

dcitrigno eredeti hozzászólása:
Next obvious fix for this problem would be to install Wryebash and place all of his mods under that and have it keep track of his mods. advantage WB can make bash patches and still allow you to use all the other utilites the way NMM does.
Wait a second here. You're going to into a few paragraphs talking about how NMM is the best for handling mods, and not to use another one especially one with a steep learning curve, and then you're going on now about how he should start using Wrye Bash? You do realize Wrye Bash is a mod manager in itself and is a lot more complex then both NMM and MO.

Also it wouldn't surprise me if the reason why the head developer or whatever it is of MO is moving over to NMM, is because the NMM team were realizing that their utility wasn't up to fluff with MO and hired him over to squash the competition.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: URM Combatant; 2017. jan. 3., 1:35
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17/7 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2017. jan. 2., 16:03
Hozzászólások: 7