Titanic: The Experience

Titanic: The Experience

bruhmoment Mar 16, 2021 @ 7:10pm
Options for the Devs
Listen, fellow reader. These are just some of many possible ideas for the outcome of this game.

Option 1: Online Play
This is a very wanted & talked about update for this game, which could bring:
Making Friends & Playing with them, old & new
and, More overall players, sales, and fun, especially replay ability. Above players, it would show their steam username! On Online Play (if they add one) imagine if you could choose to be a Captain, Crew Member, 1st Class, 2nd Class, 3rd Class, or Coal Worker! There could possibly be a spectator mode, where you could look around, zoom in and out, and take photos! You could have friends be in the photos, like passengers!

Option 2: Full Interior
This is pretty self explanatory. A full on interior to the ship, while it sinks you can explore. There could be the Grand Staircase, Boiler Room, Dining Area, and more! It would make the game more fun and interesting, and realistic!

Option 3: NPCs
These would make the game feel more lifelike, from just simple crew members lowering boats to chattable AI, and would make the game feel more fun and realistic.

Option 4: Tools/Items

You could find revives if you (for example) jump from the bridge to the bow. You could also find flashlights too! You could use the scroll wheel on your mouse to lighten and darken it! Maybe even more!

Option 5: Realistic Water
Please, we need to be able to swim. I'm not walking on a wooden pallet.

Option 6: Achievements

Imagine if there were achievements where:

1. Deploy The Iceberg: Jump on the Iceberg.

2. 1st Class Pass: Get/Jump on a Lifeboat!

3. A Night to Remember: Experience the full sinking.

4. Oops!: Get crushed by a funnel or fall in the crack during the sinking.

Option 7: Avatars

Imagine if you could not just choose a team, but choose an outfit for yourself! You could have a Captain or Crew Member set of clothes, while being a 3rd Class Passenger! Or, you could dress up as a 1st Class Passenger and be one, whatever you choose!

Anyway, these are just some of MANY, MANY ideas. Have a great day, night or whatever time it is where you are at right now! :steamthumbsup:
Last edited by bruhmoment; Apr 4, 2021 @ 2:58pm