Orch Star

Orch Star

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Hybris Dec 21, 2017 @ 7:48am
What is Orch Star?
Orch Star is a real time strategy game where you command your fleet of spaceships to conquer the galaxy. The game can be played in either VR or desktop mode, in the single-player campaign or against other players online.

Who is behind this game?
Orch Star is developed by Orch Star Studios, a small game studio based in northern Sweden. It is the studio’s first game, although many of us are veterans in the industry.

On which systems can I play the game?
The game can be played on Windows desktop or Windows with HTC Vive or Oculus Rift.

My VR hardware is not supported, why?
We are a small team with limited resources. We will try to add support continuously through the development. But we cannot promise anything right now.

What different versions are available, and what’s their price?
There is only one version of the game, the desktop and VR modes are not separated. The game is in early access and currently costs $14.99, although that may increase once the game is fully released.

Is the multiplayer cross platform?
Yes, you can play with others regardless of their platform! VR vs PC or any combination of the two are supported.

Where can I discuss the game with the developers and other players?
Our official forums can be found here. We encourage you to start a thread and join the discussion!

I have a bug/issue - how do I get help?
The first step is always to look through our Bugs and Issues forum for users with similar problems. If your issue has not been posted, please consider posting a new thread on the forum. Our producers and developers are often active in responding here and you will likely find a solution quickly.
Last edited by Hybris; Dec 21, 2017 @ 7:54am