The Ino Chronicles: Ascension

The Ino Chronicles: Ascension

Semolous Lucius Van Dess  [developer] Jul 7, 2018 @ 4:38pm
Regarding 'that' scene in the game
I'm going to address all messages sent to me about 'that' scene in the game here. Those who've played up to the scene in question know which one I'm talking about, though I will not spoil it for those who haven't played the game yet, or those who are playing the game but have not yet reached the scene in question. Some of you have sent me messages asking why I put that in the game, and I'm now going to explain why. The scene had to happen the way it did not just to progress the story, but also to build up that character. Because of this, the scene will not be altered in any way, as that goes against my vision for the game. I know the scene has offended some people, with some even sending me death threats, but it was not my intention to offend or cause any kind of controversy. I'm just a guy who wants to make games for people to play and enjoy, it's as simple as that. No hidden agendas or anything (which some people have accused me of.
Last edited by Semolous Lucius Van Dess; Jul 7, 2018 @ 5:34pm