Ancestors Legacy Free Peasant Edition

Ancestors Legacy Free Peasant Edition

ghftzr_ Dec 13, 2022 @ 1:24am
Offensive Content (Ancestors Legacy)
I'm contacting you for some racist issue in the game (Ancestors Legacy) it's a masterpiece and one of the top strategic games on steam in my list,
but the racist or offensive issue i am reporting here is that in the game in the annihilation mode you have to destroy all the opponent buildings to win the game while in some of the armies to choose i found a mosque there to destroy and burn during the annihilation mode to win the game.
That is an offensive act while it could be that it happened back there if we wanna talk pure history but that is not an excuse to be existed in a game while it is really an offensive content on a religion.
I hope my letter receives you well and i'll be grateful for replying and solving this offensive issue.

Thank You.
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DBG Feb 3, 2023 @ 6:26pm 
Hello there, You don't need to destroy religious building to win the game.
you only need to destroy key buildings that can trains squads such as...

- Barracks,
- Archery Range,
- Town Hall,
- Stable, (Some factions don't have it so ignore this)

If you have Ai on your team, they will sometimes pick any buildings and destroy it.
Last edited by DBG; Feb 3, 2023 @ 6:27pm
minimum Dec 8, 2023 @ 9:22pm 
religion is a race now ? wuhw !!
_or offense ? are we talking about war or not ?

it is ok to kill but "dont walk on the flowers please!!!"

_for me this kind of post is like inquisition
DerRitter Dec 30, 2023 @ 2:56pm 
Cringe post
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