Boom Island

Boom Island

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Ellestrogen Oct 15, 2017 @ 8:57pm
...Good luck, I think?
I'll be blunt, the game doesn't look too great, but unlike a lot of the ♥♥♥♥ I've seen in the "upcoming" section since the implementation of steam direct (and well before that as well,) it does almost seem like someone put effort into this game. A lot less spelling errors in the store page than usual, supposedly a variety of modes, a trailer that is probably as good as you're going to get with the source material.

So... why? If you're going to put effort into a game as an indie dev, why run so far with such a simple, boring idea? I totally understand the merits of making a game around blowing up giant beach balls for a learning experience, but if you're going to put all this time, effort, and money into releasing a game, why on earth would you stick with this for it?

Anyways, assuming this isn't 100% just a superior example of asset-flip cash-grubbing, I hope it isn't a total and complete flop, to at least partially reward what effort there was.
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csgood games  [developer] Oct 15, 2017 @ 10:22pm 
Hi, I appriciate your feedback as it is a helpful, yet constructive remark of critisism for this game.
I understand that the central idea is simple, and may seem not very unique. However, Im hoping to improve that, and bring new ideas with future updates. The core gameplay about shooting balls wont change, but will be greatly improved and expanded into something even more unique. Even months before the game's release, I had beta testers say the same thing, so I implemented new concepts, gamemodes, and weapons because of that. The trailer was made months back as well, when the game was still in alpha stages. I added a lot since then and just recently updated the store page. I appriciate your recogniton to the effort put into this game and im hopefull that my work pays off, as I am relatively new to developing games for this platform, and I used to work on mobile games. My goal is to have an active community for this game and have it built on community feedback and ideas. That itself will make this game unique and different.
fosse septique Oct 24, 2017 @ 7:26pm 
i totally agree with u, this game have a huge potential so just change the basic OMA UI and try to make something more "1900 ish" and more content ! This game have a huge potential dev ;3
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