Check Your 6!

Check Your 6!

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v1.1.0 Public Beta is available - with Skirmish mode added!
Hi Everyone,

Slightly later than anticipated, but here is the public beta version of the 1.1.0 update.

The most important change is the addition of a Skirmish mode. You can find it in the main menu, and it will let you setup a single player / hotseat game freely. You will see it has plenty of parameters to tweak in relation to the map, the planes, and optional rules.
We hope it is quite straightforward to use, but do let us know if you have any questions.

To join the open beta, right-click Check Your 6 in your Steam Library, choose Properties, and then the Beta tab.

Here, in the drop-down menu you should find "open-beta" select it. Steam will update your game, and you will be ready to go. To opt out, unselect this version.

Here is the list of changes:

Major changes and fixes
• Added Skirmish
• Added aircraft-type- and gun-type-specific sounds
• Fixed an issue when Campaign progress was reset due to multiplayer game overwriting scenario completion status

Minor changes and fixes
• Fixed Multiplayer issues: wrong information when the wrong password was entered; wrong information tooltip when selecting side of conflict;
• Fixed highlighting of buttons
• Fixed some spelling errors
• Fixed issue with displaying Anti-Aircraft units in Skirmish setup
• Fixed discrepancy in animation and sound of Anti-Aircraft units
• Aircraft indicators (aka ghosts) improved