Trident's Wake

Trident's Wake

Bacus Studios  [开发者] 2018 年 5 月 4 日 下午 12:41
Bacus Studios Social Networks
So, since we are approaching deadlines we wanted to begin working more with our community, therefore we are bringing forth our various social media for you to join.

Firstly, Discord. We use Discord as our main social tool, so much in fact that every day we are online in case you guys have any specific questions. Moreover, in our Discord Server you will be able to access extra stuff and see day to day screenshots of the dev team working on various items. Link[]

On Facebook we keep our community active by posting some stuff, like images and other announcements. If you would like to follow us here is our page.Link[]

Twitter is great for you one shot questions, for we are always on twitter, regardless of hour. Be sure to give us a follow! Link

On Instagram we try to keep it chill. We usually have things not related to day to day production, but more to our gatherings. Some beers, barbecue, some pics of our desktops from were we work. Link[]

Our main page for landing our teasers, and trailers! Be sure to subscribe for updates on that front. Link

We are about to beginning a series of dev streams. (once we get the new ISP) so stay tuned to our Twitch channel! Link[]
最后由 Bacus Studios 编辑于; 2019 年 1 月 17 日 上午 5:10