

green Jan 2, 2015 @ 2:49pm
Can someone explain these 3 games?
So the sale's on and the games have amazing reviews and look good but there's one problem, I have no idea what these games are :P. I see they're rpg's but what makes them great? How long do they last? What do you do in them?

Thanks in advance!
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
KhakiHat Jan 2, 2015 @ 3:15pm 
The games Capre Fulger localize are pretty good. You can actually tear through them pretty quickly for the standard endings, but they also have alternate ends and side quests that you can flesh out. I can’t give you a good read on gameplay length, but at 9 bucks for the package, you could stretch it out for 20+ hours.
Gameplay varies, as they each take a different approach. Recettear has very basic Zelda-equese combat in it’s dungeons, but the game is more focused on running the item shop at home. The Fortune Summoners will have AI characters backing you up with different skills and spells in a high speed 2D platform brawler. Chantelise will take you back to the PS1 glory days, with sprites in 3D environments and very wonky cameras as you romp (mostly) alone through dungeons. Controler is recommended for all three, especially for Fortune Summoners, which needs a second controller stick for the camera.
green Jan 2, 2015 @ 4:31pm 
Originally posted by KhakiHat:
The games Capre Fulger localize are pretty good. You can actually tear through them pretty quickly for the standard endings, but they also have alternate ends and side quests that you can flesh out. I can’t give you a good read on gameplay length, but at 9 bucks for the package, you could stretch it out for 20+ hours.
Gameplay varies, as they each take a different approach. Recettear has very basic Zelda-equese combat in it’s dungeons, but the game is more focused on running the item shop at home. The Fortune Summoners will have AI characters backing you up with different skills and spells in a high speed 2D platform brawler. Chantelise will take you back to the PS1 glory days, with sprites in 3D environments and very wonky cameras as you romp (mostly) alone through dungeons. Controler is recommended for all three, especially for Fortune Summoners, which needs a second controller stick for the camera.
Ah, I see.
Well I have no controller so I'll probably have to pass.
Dizzica Jan 2, 2015 @ 6:02pm 
Well just picked it up, and going from the generally positvies reviews, seems like a good pick up for 80% off. Hopefully I will like the games, but highly likely since I love indie games. If not, well it was only $10.
YukoValis Jan 2, 2015 @ 6:30pm 
well let's start with the worst in my opinion.
Chantelise. Hack and slash 3d platformer. It's cute, it has a nice combat system, nothing special. The biggest issues is the CONSTANT need to swap out items, and some of the music is just... painful.

Recettear. RPG item shop sim I guess you can call it? it is certainly original in that you are given a dept and must run the item shop while enduring the absolute cuteness! Not little kids though.. they aren't cute in this game.. they start out buying cheap and become a pain. But that's the great thing about this game, you build up rep and people will buy for higher. Also lot's of dungeon crawling for items.

Fortune Summoner. 2D platform hack n slash. Also cute.. really cute, and with a interesting story to boot. Set in a world of magic and swords, you are the little girl of an item shop owner and you just set out to adventure and go to your magic teaching school. One warning though.. the enemies you face here are not forgiving. Perpare to learn how to fight the hard way, as satisfing as that is in the end.

So yeah, this is how I would sum up the games.
cowbell Jan 2, 2015 @ 6:42pm 
Recettear IS the constant need to swap out items.
Chantelise is just hard and needs a guide to get around the JRPG bs.
drkbef Jan 4, 2015 @ 11:45pm 
Fortune Summoners is the best of the pack, though I personally enjoyed all of them. Controller is mandatory for Chantelise and Fortune Summoners.
YukoValis Jan 5, 2015 @ 1:18am 
Originally posted by cowbell:
Recettear IS the constant need to swap out items.
Chantelise is just hard and needs a guide to get around the JRPG bs.

I think you are confusing the two.
Chantelise is easy, but you constantly need to swap your items depending on what enemy you are going to face.

Recettear you can carry items into dungeons, and bring items out of dungeons, but you don't need to swap anything. You might even be lucky and have a hero buy a nice weapon from you so you don't need to take an item space.
Andrew Jan 5, 2015 @ 8:46pm 
I think they mean that Recettear is literally an inventory management game.
Scorpionbear Jan 6, 2015 @ 1:54pm 
So far I've only played Recettear of the three, and I got about 15 hours out of the main storyline. Granted, there's quite a lot of stuff that you won't see just doing the storyline, as it's rather rushed. They do address that in the endgame, though, which has added a lot more viable playtime. It's been fun for me, personally. It was nice just to soak up the cuteness and watch character interactions, and the game itself was good enough. I think just this game was probably worth the $10, and I'm usually pretty miserly. I'm hoping the other two are equally as satisfying.
Delthea Jan 20, 2015 @ 7:21pm 
Recettear is the most popular and well recieved of the bunch. The core aspect of the game looks to be going all Adam Smith on people in order to raise money to keep your house, but in the end, most of your game time will be spent in dungeons with your favorite adventurer. Imagine a "Link to the Past" style battle system.

Chantelise is very similar in story to Recettear, in that it fills you with feelings of 'after school special', but the combat is more basic, with less refined mechanics.

Fortune Summoners is crazy cute, but my computer has issues running it. The controls are super sensitive, and at times, the game straight up crashes, so I couldn't give you an accurate description past the first hour.
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