Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale

Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale

Newbie needs help dealing with combo problems
So I say newbie because I am new, but I'd like to think I'm fairly competent at this game (though it's looking like I won't quite succeed on my first loop--I'm 2 days away from the very last payment and I only have 150k and mediocre assets). What I need help with is the one lady with purple hair who offers to sell me unusual items at outrageous prices. I made the mistake of "unlocking her as a customer" so to speak without knowing the problem it would cause, and now she keeps auto-ending my combos by trying to sell me stuff at outrageous prices and then immediately refusing and leaving when I counter-offer with a sensible one (even up to 100% of the normal price).

Is there a way for me to get her to stop trying to sell me stuff, to make her sell stuff to me at reasonable prices, or if worse comes to worst, somehow manage to make a profit off of buying something of hers at the outrageous prices she offers (if I even can muster enough to afford to pay enough to satisfy her)? All I know is she's ruining my combos left and right and I cba to repeatedly save scum each time I open my shop just to make sure she doesn't enter and run the risk of letting her auto-kill my combo(s).

I'd check the wiki, but I don't remember her name and I haven't beaten the game yet, so I want to avoid spoilers if I can. (Thanks in advance!)
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cearn 29. Dez. 2013 um 10:28 
Ah yes, Euria. The things we would do to her with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch.

You can decrease the chance of her appearing by moving the atmosphere towards plain instead of gaudy, but that's about it. As for not breaking the combo: I think she'll still accept 210% offers, but that's about all you can do.

But honestly though, a few days till the end, those combo's won't matter all that much anymore, so don't worry about that too much. Combo's help in the first few weeks to get reputation and merchant level up, but in the last week you can be a little more ... capitalistic.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von cearn:
Ah yes, Euria. The things we would do to her with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch.

You can decrease the chance of her appearing by moving the atmosphere towards plain instead of gaudy, but that's about it. As for not breaking the combo: I think she'll still accept 210% offers, but that's about all you can do.

But honestly though, a few days till the end, those combo's won't matter all that much anymore, so don't worry about that too much. Combo's help in the first few weeks to get reputation and merchant level up, but in the last week you can be a little more ... capitalistic.

Much appreciated. As a side note, I'm probably screwed then, because I took a semi-capitalistic approach for most of the game, but I abused the crap out of a small handful of occasions (like the time I sold 45k of treasure which the guild master sold to me just before a rise in price of precious metals for 90k+ in a preorder to the rich girl brat, and a few other similar circumstances).
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Amanozako; 29. Dez. 2013 um 10:52
To keep Euria away keep your store looking plain and cheap. If she does show up ... well, to be honest, her role is to break your combo. It's not a big deal tough.
Berahlen 29. Dez. 2013 um 14:26 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von cearn:
Ah yes, Euria. The things we would do to her with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch.

Speak for yourself. I just want her to sell me the Sea Carpet already. It's the last non-dungeon thing left in the encyclopedia.

If you have a vending machine, sometimes she'll buy from that instead of trying to sell something. Even a cheap vender is generally worth having just to be able to continue selling blue items at full price, or sell expensive items that customers aren't interested in or can't otherwise afford (furniture, books) -- it seems to ignore customer preference and wallet size.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Berahlen; 29. Dez. 2013 um 14:27
Kochbuch 29. Dez. 2013 um 14:37 
She really buys from vending machines? I have never seen her buy anything.
Berahlen 29. Dez. 2013 um 16:00 
Well you don't see anyone buy from vending machines. It just happens randomly between sales while they're walking around and takes the place of their normal interaction. All you hear is a cha-ching, your pix go up, and there's one less thing in the machine next time you check.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Berahlen; 29. Dez. 2013 um 16:01
TheGTF 29. Dez. 2013 um 19:50 
Euria exists to kill your combos since she offers 500% markups on her stuff, and generally accepts no less than 200. However she is the only way to get a lot of very rare stuff if you want to complete item rosters or fusion charts. Once you are in the post game and money ceases to be an issue to you, you'll actually want her around and you can get away with 200% on her stuff. She's right, you're still a sucker, but at least you aren't getting ripped off as badly.

If she shows up, all you can do is pray she approaches you early in the selling, or right at the very end. But she likes gaudier decorated stores, so you can reduce the likelihood of her appearing by keeping it on the plain side. It won't completely drive her away the way Griff will never show up unless it's really dark, but it will make her less of a frequent thorn to you. Keeping it a little more plain and balanced on light/dark is the ideal decor for a lot of customers anyway.

Euria has a 0 budget in the game- she carries no money and therefore will never approach you to buy anything. However, for the vending machines, iirc no customer ever actually visibly interacts with the vending machine- sales are just kind of randomly made. Do also remember, customers can show up and simply never want to buy or sell that round- the last time I recall anyone really going deep into the code to find out how they worked, it was concluded vender sales are completely separate from counter sales- they don't actually take the place the customers going to you. The sales apparently exist in their own vacuum and have no impact on the counter sales- so a single customer can do both purchases.

The game determines them separately- though if it still uses a customer and their wallet (even without it precluding them from using your counter or eating into that budget), Euria would not be capable of buying from a vender since she never has any money. She would be able to if the game does not actually select specific customers to buy from vendors and just calculates there will be X vender sales this selling period.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von TheGTF; 29. Dez. 2013 um 19:53
Berahlen 29. Dez. 2013 um 20:10 
Okay, I retract the substitution thing. But I'm pretty sure it ignores customer budgets (if not specific customers altogether), as I've had 200k-500k items sell from the vender during a boom of little girls.

If you want to level up Euria's reputation during the postgame so she sells you rarer goods quicker, she tends to Pin somewhere around 360%. Believe me, you will have pix to spare very quickly.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Berahlen; 29. Dez. 2013 um 20:11
TheGTF 31. Dez. 2013 um 14:52 
Yes you are not mistaken, the contents of a vendor is effectively in its own little formless shapeless universe- it ignores customer item preferences, their budgets, and market trends- selling for only their base price, no more no less. They are essentially bought blind out of the machine- which make them moderately useful for getthing though an avalanche of price drops all clustered together- since even base price is always better than cost.
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Geschrieben am: 29. Dez. 2013 um 10:14
Beiträge: 9