Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale

Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale

Artwork community ban
I had uploaded a copy of a piece of artwork that is the reason most people know about this game, but it has apparently been banned as of sometime last month.

I guess Valve took exception to someone referring to this game as "If Pawnstars was good".
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if you have a copy of it id love to see it
Oh, that, all-time popular artwork, sad that it got banned, how could it offend someone with a brain? o.o
Ryuu eredeti hozzászólása:
Oh, that, all-time popular artwork, sad that it got banned, how could it offend someone with a brain? o.o

like i said in the op, maybe they thought Pawnstars was good and got mad.
I was hoping it was porn of Recette, or the pic with Rick's face on Recette's body 🤣🤣🤣
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