It Lurks Below

It Lurks Below

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Graybeard Games  [developer] Dec 14, 2020 @ 11:29am
Patch notes for v1.01.44
- I have increased bleeding damage to be twice as good
- Execute now has a bigger display message
- When a map boss is spawned, there are new phrases and sound

- With a lot of help from the community, I fixed the bug with the crafting panel being up interacting with a merchant left you in a state where the UI didn't work anymore
- Fixed a bug with maps where bosses wouldn't show up sometimes
- If you had a building on your hotbar and were placing it, while you tried to pick up a building, it left a "ghost" image behind, but it is fixed
- While using a controller, you couldn't complete The Mysterious Egg, but it is fixed and the UI states how to complete it.
- There was a block available in creative which was unbreakable. It looked similar to corruption, so it was changed to corruption.
- Fixed a bug where corruption could be changed into an unbreakable barrier block
- Boss colored lights have been adjusted
- Fixed a particle bug on the 0/512 wrap-around which resulted in slightly shifted health bars
- You could get quest credit for killing bosses in maps, but it is fixed.
- Fixed a loophole which allowed you to equip items and bypass the level requirements for gear
- Fixed a message when reading the story log with a controller. It now says how to access the found notes