It Lurks Below

It Lurks Below

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*** Happykill's Helpful Guides! ***

- Before you play
- Reference cheatsheet
- Starting tips
- Classes
- General tips
- Suggestions & advice
- Farming guide

Before you play for the first time:

Welcome to It Lurks Below! Before you start playing for the first time, you will have to make two choices: Your character class and your game mode.

Character Class - The game has 8 different RPG classes, each with unique abilities playing style. Level up to unlock the full potential of your class! There are ranged and melee classes in the game. Most players agree that ranged classes are easier to start with if you are new. Don't be afraid to make a new character to try a class out, or check out the intro to classes below.

Game Style - Pay attention to the game style descriptions, as you will to start a new character if you want to change game style. This guide is written for Survival, but applies to all game styles - if you are playing another style you can just ignore the survival parts.

The game screen:

Useful tips you want to know:

Just some helpful tips that are not immediately intuitive or just easy to forget:

  • Place seeds on your toolbar and use them to plant them.
  • Remember to extract seeds from crops and manage your food supply. Hit E to extract seeds. Don't run out of things to plant or to eat!
  • Hunger slows down when you are near your homestone. Look for the status icon.
  • Higher survival rank makes your food more powerful. Level up!
  • Check your crafting panel for useful things you can craft. Check again as you learn new recipes.
  • Hold Shift to dig or place blocks in the background layer. Hold Ctrl for the second background layer.
  • Armor reduces damage. Resistances reduce the chance for status effects.
  • You can move your Ancient Items to a different slot while your inventory is open.
  • Winter is coming. Make sure you have enough food to survive!
Last edited by HouseOfTheRat; May 31, 2019 @ 9:00am
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
HouseOfTheRat Dec 3, 2018 @ 7:29pm 
What class should I pick?

Here is a brief description of each class to help you choose. All classes have a unique passive ability and five skills which they get from their ancient items. They get the final ancient item at level 20. Skills can be active or passive and have multiple upgrade levels.

Class Gameplay Reference:

This describes how classes play, it is NOT a good/bad rating.

Bard - the relaxed

Bards walk around playing songs of damage, healing, and self buffing. All bard skills are passive auras! Bard is a melee class, but their songs can damage enemies in a large area.

Cleric - the unstoppable

Clerics are all about armoring, buffing, curing, and healing themselves to become almost unstoppable. They kill their enemies with either ranged or melee weapons and reward killing streaks.

Enchanter - the mindbreaker

Enchanters are a ranged class that can stun and debuff their enemies while also doing area damage and buffing their own weapons. They can turn into a flying wisp to avoid enemies and heal themselves.

Necromancer - the supernatural horror

Necromancers gain a series of increasingly powerful buffs as they grow in power. They use powers of cold and poison, they can summon skulls, see enemies in the dark, drain life to heal themselves, turn into powerful liches, and even fly.

Wizard - the elemental

Wizards wield the power of flame and thunder in addition to their wands. They can also shield themselves and teleport. Their trusty familiar provides additional offense.

Rogue - the stealth stabber

Rogues are melee stealth assassins that can walk past enemies and gain bonuses from striking from the snadows. They alternate between hiding and doing huge amounts of burst damage. Rogues are a challenging class that requires awareness and using multiple active skills.

Warrior - the juggernaut

Warriors are melee fighters that can use sword and shield or dual swords. They charge their enemies and have a mix of offensive and defensive skills. Warriors can switch between stances to massively buff their offense or defense.

Paladin - the holy warrior

Paladins use two-handed melee weapons. They can dash, consecrate the ground around them and pull enemies to them. Fighting on holy ground gives paladins various buffs and healing.
Last edited by HouseOfTheRat; Jun 8, 2019 @ 2:32pm
HouseOfTheRat May 23, 2019 @ 3:48am 
General game tips for every occasion:

  • When you extract seeds from crops, there is a chance to extract two seeds.
  • You can only drink 5 bottles of coffee before having to rest.
  • Scroll duration stacks.
  • Torches can be placed at a long range. Use them to explore and find new caves and rooms.
  • Hold shift to mine/build on the background layer. Hold Ctrl for the third layer.
  • Trees regrow when cut. Tree saplings can be moved.
  • Bonuses to weapon damage increase mining power!
  • Sleep in a bed for faster recovery.
  • Remember to check that your ancient items are active. Especially clerics!
  • You can build ladder-step platforms for easy climbing.
  • The general store sometimes stocks seeds.
  • You can reset your world with world books sold by the Wizard of Space and Time. The surface and the dirt layer are unaffected. Reset at the same or lower difficulty for easy loot, gold, and materials.
  • New difficulty books unlock at levels 25, 55, and 80. But you should level up and bring your best gear - they are hard!
  • Spend gold to level up your ancient items. You can sell gear, ores, crystals and other things you don't need for gold.
  • You can also reset your ancient items and attribute points at the Wizard.
  • Monster level scales by depth. Careful how deep you go.
  • Kill all the monsters in a dungeon for a bonus chest. Watch out for escaping slimes!
  • Crouch to hold still when shooting or to double your block chance if you are holding a shield. You can't crouch on platforms.
  • Vendors reset every in-game day at midnight. Some upgrades only appear at refresh.
  • Plants grow every day at noon.
  • Hold RMB and walk to harvest your crops easily!
  • Sand can be found inside portal rooms.
Last edited by HouseOfTheRat; Jun 2, 2019 @ 8:54am
HouseOfTheRat May 31, 2019 @ 8:56am 
Suggestions and gameplay advice:

Follow these or play your own way, up to you! These are some things I do.

  • Do the surface quests early, they help a lot.
  • Immediately at the start of the a new game make a round trip of the surface, pick up everything, and cut down all the trees. Dig up the saplings and place them near your base for easy access.
  • Plan ahead and make your seeds for the next sowing ahead of time. This helps you stay organized and keep track of your supplies.
  • Iron, cobblestone, berry bushes are all nice to have near your town, but try to not build it too close to the corruption.
  • If you find a Scroll of Blessing while killing the starting surface monsters, use it to help kill Commander Vile.
  • Craft Scrolls of Identification early. Use your first few crystals to get the shards you need. Good weapons will be more help than most crystals.
  • As you find new ores, craft the new armors. Big upgrade to your defense. But balance it with old armor and crystal bonuses.
  • Don't forget about defense! Damage crystals are nice but you need to survive.
  • If things get too hard, emphasize horizontal exploration instead of vertical in order to get more loot and xp.
  • Hellevators! A hole going straight down is always convenient for traveling. Just make sure you fall safely. This gets very easy once you can dig 3x3 blocks.
  • Be tactical. If a room full of monsters looks too dangerous, try and enter it from another side.
  • Use a Scroll of Death to clear an area and retrieve your items. (thanks Wuthow!)
  • Teleport back to town before you enter a boss room. That way you can teleport straight back at the door if you die.
  • Use W for your movement skill. It will help if you find yourself hitting W a lot while jumping. This way you will get used to it faster.
  • Find out which skills combo well with others and cast them in the right order for massive damage!
  • Light radius from items or skills is nice, but you will still need torches.
HouseOfTheRat May 31, 2019 @ 8:57am 
Farming and early game Survival

You need food to eat. You need seeds to plant. You need to balance those two.

Avoid eating raw vegetables, they feed you for much more if you cook them.

At the start of the game you can find carrots, cabbages, and wheat on the surface. Any of them can be cooked for a basic meal. They can be farmed throughout Spring, Summer, and Autumn, so these alone are enough to keep you alive. Carrots, cabbages, or wheat are enough to sustain you if you plant and harvest often.

There is more food in the game: wheat and berries that respawn on the surface, meat from killing monsters, mushrooms found underground, livestock products, and many other seeds to find and plant.

Whenever you extract seeds from crops, you have a chance to get two seeds from one. So if you farm regularly, your seed and food supply will increase without much effort.

Get the second planter box talent early, keep both planters full, and harvest often. This way you will produce more food than what you need to eat, and always have enough to make more seeds.

Get the talent and craft the chicken coop early. It is easy to make and provides free food.

Raise your survival rank by farming, cooking, chopping trees, and digging. This will be easy if you farm regularly. Higher survival rank gives you more food value from meals.

As you gain survival rank, get all the crops and seeds talents. They help a lot.

The mining talents also help you get more survival XP and progress faster.

The food recipe talents are useful later in the game more than they are at the start.

The Beehives, Mushroom Station, Barn, and Greenhouse can be made later in the game and are very useful.

The General Store vendor sometimes sells seeds. If you see a new kind of seed, get it!

Store food for Winter!

When you are producing and storing more food, it is time to start making some compost.

When you enter Nightmare difficulty, get the hoe and create huge farms for food, compost, and crystals!
Last edited by HouseOfTheRat; Jun 2, 2019 @ 3:10pm
HouseOfTheRat May 31, 2019 @ 9:04am 
Gin-German Jun 1, 2019 @ 12:54am 
Originally posted by Happykill:
General game tips for every occasion:

  • Kill all the monsters in a dungeon for a bonus chest. Watch out for escaping slimes!
Note that this does NOT count for monsters spawned by those already present in dungeons! Like on the ice-layer you have huge slimes splitting into smaller ones on death. These smaller slimes are not required to clear the room (at least for me they could live whereas the "initial" monsters had to be cleared out)
Last edited by Gin-German; Jun 1, 2019 @ 12:55am
Deworx Jun 1, 2019 @ 3:49am 
I think the name Enchanter is wrong for that class.. It should rather be called Psionic (Since its mainly a Psychic and Lightning based)
Varyn [GER] Jun 4, 2019 @ 1:47am 
Great work. Helped me a lot in the beginning =)

Some more from me (some are partly already covered).
- There are 10+ trees on the map. Gather the saplings while preparing for or directly after Commander Vile. Place them nearby for a frequent lot of harvesting xp: Each tree gives 75xp! - no matter if they're half or fully grown. As the wood of 10 medium trees should be enough to cover all needs, don't wait till they're fully grown. They don't give xp when chopped in their first stage. They can be placed as close together as the game lets you - it won't harm their growth.
- The first winter is the time for planting crystal bulbs. If you only want to farm crystal shards you better plant the cheapest ones (bar shape) as all shapes give the same amount of shards (amount=itemlevel*rarityfactor. The itemlevel equals your hero-level). For maximum efficiency wear armor with magic find crystals in them before planting the bulbs, so you get rarer ones.

Harvest Skilltree
- The early harvest ranks come pretty fast, but be aware that skilling everything takes much time.
- Most harvest xp comes from farming and chopping (and cooking) - Get the 2nd plant pot blueprint asap and then the two farming skill trees. This will help you speed up your xp-rate a lot in the long run. Investing in the mining-speed upgrades right after the plant pot point is also viable. Depends on your schedule: will you go right into the underground after your first steps or first build a beautiful home and all? ;o)
- Mining xp is too little, even with the skills. Better save the ranks for something better. Most classes won't need much mining later on: You either teleport/charge/dash through the map, or you bomb your way with a arcing staff.
- Ore is abundant, there's no need to spend 3 whole points for just 30% more ore gain.
- By the time you make your steps in Nightmare difficulty, you might want to have unlocked all the crop food recipes. The Executive Chef talent gives you 50 resistance (basically 25 vigor) when you have a food buff on you. That's especially usefull now on, because status effects are becoming a nightmare,... in nightmare. With the hoe you can get early in nightmare maintaining at least one food buff all the time shouldn't be a problem (time stacks).
- When you find your first scroll of portal location and it cant find a portal then it means you won't have access to the greenhouse until the next difficulty (because sand for the greenhouse is only available in a portal room). So save the point for greenhouse for now.

Skill trees I started to ignore or skill later on new characters (ordered with the most useless on top):
--Mushrooms, as they can't be farmed specificly and are on top of that barely useful. I don't even pick them up anymore.
--Meat, as the skills offer too little. Skill it later to compost the meat, because your hunger will then be filled from buff-food and eggs. Just cook all meat and eat it in the beginning so you have more farming capacity for generating enough compost for the winter crystal farm and to generate more seeds for your big nightmare farm for foodbuffs.
-- Coffee and Potion trees: Not needed early.
-- Honey: Honey alone is almost useless (only gives little food value). To make use of it, make honey tea (potions that heal percent based)... but each pot costs 500 crystal shards which is hard to come by early.

Last edited by Varyn [GER]; Jun 9, 2019 @ 6:11am
HouseOfTheRat Jun 4, 2019 @ 8:52am 
Planting crystals during the winter is a great tip.

Some mushroom recipes give resistance buffs, these can be very helpful if you are struggling with resistances. Depending on your exploring and farming style, mushrooms can be a major source of food after the early stages of the game, especially when you have the mushroom station.

Important tip: if you are trying to build the greenhouse and your world doesn't have a portal to get sand from (in normal - nightmare and above always have portals) you can reset it and look again.
Varyn [GER] Jun 4, 2019 @ 7:26pm 
Originally posted by Happykill:
Planting crystals during the winter is a great tip.

Some mushroom recipes give resistance buffs, these can be very helpful if you are struggling with resistances. Depending on your exploring and farming style, mushrooms can be a major source of food after the early stages of the game, especially when you have the mushroom station.

Important tip: if you are trying to build the greenhouse and your world doesn't have a portal to get sand from (in normal - nightmare and above always have portals) you can reset it and look again.
I never really struggled with food. Eggs and meat was usually covering most of my needs. The resistance buffs from the mushrooms are +10 iirc. Compared to the +50 from the food tree i would set that a much higher priority... but you're right, Mushs aren't as bad as i descriped them ;o)

That's a great tip. On my last hero the first portal came on nightmare and pretty deep down too. On my next one, i will definitly reset the game world as soon as i find a second portal scroll. Ty
Gnarl Jun 7, 2019 @ 2:42pm 
How important is dealing with Corruption?

I'm in Nightmare and I removed it all. But then it started spreading fast again.

My fort is above ground, is it better to build underground? Can you build below the depth that Corruption can reach?

Thanks and good guide and tips!!
HouseOfTheRat Jun 7, 2019 @ 3:47pm 
The corruption doesn't have a huge effect on your town, especially since you have the Divine pickaxe to remove it.

What you could do is keep it controlled and create a small area where invasions can spawn and get trapped so that you can kill them fast. Stopping the invasion fast will prevent the corruption from spreading.

I haven't personally built any underground towns so I am not entirely sure, but the corruption does have a limited depth and there is plenty of room to build a base underground that should be unaffected by it. Just don't build below the dirt layer, as everything from the mud layer and below resets when you reset the world.
Gnarl Jun 7, 2019 @ 8:30pm 
Okay, thank you!
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