SlingSkull Zombies: Graveyard Shift

SlingSkull Zombies: Graveyard Shift

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Chaser324 Aug 24, 2017 @ 10:42am
Shameless. Fourth release of this in as many days.
Seriously, Zonitron. You have to stop doing this.

Four nearly identical copies of an asset from the Unity asset store released over a span of four days, all of them released under fake developer/publisher names.

Identical descriptions. Seemingly identical content (I have no intention of purchasing to confirm). The only noticeable difference is the background color.

I really hope some high-profile Youtuber puts you on blast at some point in the near future. You can't continue to just fly under the radar with this.

Aug 21 - SlingSkull Zombies
Aug 21 - SlingSkull Zombies 2
Aug 23 - SlingSkull Zombies: The Dawn
Aug 24 - SlingSkull Zombies: Graveyard Shift!/content/92366

Last edited by Chaser324; Aug 24, 2017 @ 10:45am
Date Posted: Aug 24, 2017 @ 10:42am
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