Bad North

Bad North

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Cactusman Nov 17, 2018 @ 8:33pm
Loading Screens Too Short to Read Tips
Enjoying the game so far.

I cannot read any of the tutorial tips on the loading screens because levels load too quickly.

I hope the devs will consider adding a 'press any key' button to loading screens or make the tips available in a help menu. The tips seem important to playing well (from the snippets I can read).
Originally posted by rtm223:
  • Your Militia are basic troops that can be upgraded
  • Archers are vulnerable in melee
  • Your Pikes can't fight while moving
  • Troops with shields can block arrows
  • The large viking brutes pack a punch - be careful where you face them
  • Pay attention: all units have their strengths and weaknesses
  • Adapt your strategy to the shape of each island
  • If your commanders fall in battle, they will be lost forever
  • You can flee an island on an empty ship if the battle seems lost
  • Replenish squads in houses to bring them back to full strength
  • Ships can stun your troops if they are too close to the beach
  • Shields can only block one threat at a time
  • Stunned enemies are vulnerable
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
BlackjackGT Nov 17, 2018 @ 8:48pm 
I'd do a Steam game guide on them if I could. I might take some pix via smartphone so I have a record of them. :steamhappy:

Of course it'd be a lot easier if the devs or publisher rep just posted a text list of all the tips. Then I or another player can be lazy and do a Steam game guide from *that* :-)
Last edited by BlackjackGT; Nov 17, 2018 @ 8:48pm
BlackjackGT Nov 17, 2018 @ 9:33pm 
As the Most Boring Person on Planet Earth, I present at least several of the loading tips (after these, it seemed to start repeating itself):
  • Replenish squads in houses to bring them back to full strength.
  • Stunned enemies are vulnerable.
  • If your commanders fall in a battle, they will be lost forever.
  • Ships can stun your troops if they are close to the beach.
  • Your Pikes can't fight while moving.
  • Your Militia are basic troops that can be upgraded.
Last edited by BlackjackGT; Nov 17, 2018 @ 9:34pm
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
rtm223  [developer] Nov 18, 2018 @ 2:19am 
  • Your Militia are basic troops that can be upgraded
  • Archers are vulnerable in melee
  • Your Pikes can't fight while moving
  • Troops with shields can block arrows
  • The large viking brutes pack a punch - be careful where you face them
  • Pay attention: all units have their strengths and weaknesses
  • Adapt your strategy to the shape of each island
  • If your commanders fall in battle, they will be lost forever
  • You can flee an island on an empty ship if the battle seems lost
  • Replenish squads in houses to bring them back to full strength
  • Ships can stun your troops if they are too close to the beach
  • Shields can only block one threat at a time
  • Stunned enemies are vulnerable
Last edited by rtm223; Nov 18, 2018 @ 2:22am
BlackjackGT Nov 18, 2018 @ 6:56am 
Uh oh. Now my "the devs are too busy to post here" posts look bad. :steamfacepalm::steamhappy:

Thanks! Maybe I'll do a lazy Steam game guide from this list.
BlackjackGT Nov 18, 2018 @ 7:03am 
Unrelated, but is it possible to get a list of all the enemy names? Some sort of enemy unit wiki/Steam game guide might be useful.

I think most of just refer to "giant archer" and "axe tossing vikings" and "Medieval Iron Man," and didn't know if they have more formal names from the devs' viewpoint. :)
Last edited by BlackjackGT; Nov 18, 2018 @ 7:03am
rtm223  [developer] Nov 18, 2018 @ 7:26am 
Over launch day we definitely were too busy (also totally not used to steam forums, so there is some inertia there) - thanks for holding the fort a bit.

They have names in code ofc, but we kind of wanted to never acknowledge the names of viking types. Even "brutes" might not be canonical (note the lack of capitalisation). If you start on wiki type stuff I think it's good to let the community sense dictate the names you use. Just don't call the big archers "crossbows" and we're all good :)
Instead of reading loading screen tips check out this tips and trick article:
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