Odd Realm
Population issues
Howdy! Great game, let's start with that.

Moving on: When my population hit 50 it started to stop having kids, which is an issue you've noted in the past, but the game itself doesn't seem to be able to handle above 50 settlers anyways. when they start to have that many, it's like the game just goes down the list and picks settlers for jobs as it goes, meaning since my population is over 80 (using console commands) there are a TON of people just standing around, and the game is slowing down quite a lot. It seems to be having problems processing their actions. I have things set to low and high priority, but they seemingly idle the entire time, unsure what to do with the resource they just went and picked up. I can galvanize them a bit by getting them to move, then setting on their next task, but now most of my villagers appear to have become "stupid" and "lazy". It's somewhat of a big problem.
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Sleipnir  [dév.] 24 juil. 2019 à 15h38 
Hmmm, I think I know the cause. Thanks for pointing this out!
This has happened to me while playing the ancients.
I found out more behaviors to it as well.

It only happens when you're at full speed. Reducing it one tab gives them enough time to think that they start moving within a few seconds. Pausing while at full speed after they've completed a task such as building a wall, about three seconds or so, gives them enough time to think and move to the next task.
I'm getting a strange problem when using the rooms menu. I activated my well house after a while, and suddenly people are making use of my purified water a lot faster, leading to large lag spikes and frames no matter the game speed, leading to a complete breakdown of time itself. I'm not sure if my map is too complex, or if I simply have too many workers, but I've gone from the game having so much to do that it becomes stupid, to having the game have so much labor it cannot even hope to give them commands fast enough to keep up? Odd sorts of things going on here.
Sleipnir  [dév.] 26 juil. 2019 à 12h23 
Send me your save folder, and I'll take a looksy. :)
Alright, sent the save along. Hope it helps. I don't want to restart it all again.
I've seemingly solved my problem. I remade the bedrooms to be larger for starters, but that did little. I then deconstructed and rebuilt my well house in a different location, switched the tavern menu, and reduced the number of settlers I could place on the map down towards 85. One thing I noticed was when we discovered new dungeons it slowed down for a short while before coming back. Once I killed the npc's inside, smooth sailing. I also reduced the number of containers I had. The game has smoothed out since. But the bug I sent you in the save file should still be present. Is it just a performance thing? It all occurred when I opened the rooms menu. Once I painstakingly switched the rooms around, it seems solved. Ish..
Sleipnir  [dév.] 27 juil. 2019 à 9h16 
Ya, I just need to optimize things. :)
Well I'm running into the frameskipping and lag again as things progress. After adjusting all of my rooms etc I still get lagged out opening the rooms menu and just watching them go about their work day. It seems linked that I get a frame skip every time someone eats or drinks.
Had the slowdown happening too. In my case the cause for it was the animal pen, more precisely the stone feeding troughs within. Everytime the settlers were delivering food to them, the game began to stutter. At some point, just opening the rooms menu, which selects the animal pen by default, since it is the first room, started a massive stutterfest. Sometimes selecting an entity from the animal pens room menu causes the same. Removing the pen fixed it.

Edit: Thinking about it, the tavern might suffer from this as well, since they work in similar ways, though i havent tested it (Playing mostly ancients, so no tavern since its useless to them).
Dernière modification de Demonpriest; 28 juil. 2019 à 0h49
This is always what happens. Some room gets some thing stuck with it that causes a cascade down the line into every other function, then boom. Lag. I also noticed that despite my shepards doing absolutely nothing, remaking my own animal pen with wooden troughs seemed to work as well. By also making them 3x3 and seperating them, SUDDENLY they think it's a good idea to water the chickens. BUT I still had to rezone the feeding troughs because they only work with gooseberries apparently, and they were trying to dump elderberries inside despite the fact they simply dropped them on the floor.
Sleipnir  [dév.] 28 juil. 2019 à 10h15 
Ok. I'll be looking into this more this week.
Shepards seem to also ignore barrels as a source for fresh water for animals... In fact, most workers don't seem to know how much they have in boxes either... It's all going weird.
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Posté le 24 juil. 2019 à 14h04
Messages : 13