Battlefleet Engineer

Battlefleet Engineer

Popo Bigles 26 OCT 2019 a las 17:46
Noticeable progress on the game?
Hey, so I've been watching this game for awhile and am curious if development is still going as intended or if it's taken a heavy toll. I've also got a few questions for the developers (or the developer as in "Metalfusion") and their intent on upcoming updates and news.
Última edición por Popo Bigles; 26 OCT 2019 a las 17:46
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Popo Bigles 26 OCT 2019 a las 17:55 
I myself wouldn't mind making a small Warhammer40k mission series on this game, it seems quite doable and exciting to do. Any plans on adding a dialogue box for missions if it is not already implemented for mission/map makers?
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