GRIS Soundtrack ... strangely missing ?

I bought the game soundtrack that i love absolutely. Though there's a little something strange. I use iTunes for my music and listening it and when i buy a game on Steam with soundtracks available, i like to open iTunes, create a new playlist and place the soundtrack within. Like i go into the soundtrack folder and select everything and then slide it into the awaiting playlist. Always worked for me so far and IS actually working.

The little thing strange is that my library don't recognise the album of Gris ... at ALL !
I mean it's not showing in my recently added section while i have all the others album from other various soundtracks and i was wondering why this was happening ?

Anyone having lived the same ?
Dernière modification de Talamarie; 13 juin 2019 à 14h34
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Ah-- Same thing is true for me, and I think I have an answer for you: Look for two folders, one called "FLAC", the other called "MP3". Steam's Music thingy isn't terribly bright and usually labels an album by whatever the folder it's in. This is why I usually use iTunes, as well. Though I'd prefer a better music application with more options for metadata.)

Anyway, if you can skim down your album list and find "Mae", "GRIS pt.1", and "Debris" as the first three tracks, you're good to go. If not, go to the Settings window, go to Music, and hit the "Scan Now" button.

If you're STILL having trouble, then find another album (doesn't matter which) and click "Show In System". That should bring up the folder in Windows (I'm making the assumption you use Windows) and go up the file tree until you find the "common" folder-- where all the games' files are stored. Find Gris manually, open THAT folder, and you should see one marked "OST".

If it's not there, I got nothin'.
Everything is where it should be. And working.
Still there's no mention of the album on Itunes library.
Very strange.
Agreed, VERY strange. Your Steam music folder is the same as your iTunes music folder? And you manually *added* that folder through iTunes? Both of 'em? (I'm not sure iTunes can see FLAC, so maybe just the MP3s are worth bothering with at this point.)

Pfft, I dunno. Have you tried rebooting? Maybe the .ini needs a kick in the head.
Tried everything i know so far. I guess it's a mystery that'll stay a mystery.
Well, it shouldn't. That's just nuts, it should work just fine. *frowny face*
I couldn't find it and then noticed on the 'settings'-'properties'-'dlc" section the checkbox was blank for some reason, despite buying the bundle with the soundtrack it hadn't downloaded the soundtrack for some reason. Checking that box fixed the issue and started the download for me.
Ah, the old "the stupid program decided for me to not download it" trick. Yes, we know it well.

Seriously, glad it worked out. :anlpsmile:
How can I use the soundtrack on the steam deck? It doesn't show in the soundtrack folder, so weird that it says it's installed.
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