The Rodinia Project

The Rodinia Project

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bothered Aug 10, 2017 @ 11:02am
Puzzle 8
Is it impossible? I have the cube at the floating bridge but whenever I look up to throw it ove the red screen I get knocked into the water? [\spoiler]
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
CroyBoy Aug 10, 2017 @ 1:35pm 
I;ve got past level 8 so it's possible. I had to throw the cube up over the red wall, and then catch it on the other side, as the moving bridge, well moves, past the red well
Aegon Games  [developer] Aug 11, 2017 @ 12:43am 
I don't know why that's happening. I've seen a video with someone having the same issue, but it never came up during testing. A thrown box should not get in the way of the player, even on a moving platform but it looks like that is actually happening for some people (but not others).

It's possible to complete level 8 - as it is with most other levels - without going the standard route if need be, but obviously we want to address the issue itself if we can.

Here's a hint for completing level 8 without going past the final dissolve barrier:
It's possible to get up on the support beams on either side of the moving platform with enough boxes and/or clever use of other objects you can stand on
bothered Aug 11, 2017 @ 1:05am 
Thanks, I'll try that. What happens on the platform is, if I look up I get pushed off, If I throw the box I am obviously looking up and get thrown off again. If I have no box and just look ahead I stay on the platform and go to the other side.
Last edited by bothered; Aug 11, 2017 @ 1:05am
Ardos Aug 11, 2017 @ 1:44am 
I had the same issue as bothered, looking up caused me to get pushed off the moving platform quite quickly. I did eventually manage to throw the box and look back down quickly enough to stay on it but I think it took about 20 attempts.

If it helps at all, I have an i7-2600 and GTX980.
Aegon Games  [developer] Aug 11, 2017 @ 2:17am 
We might have to replace that section entirely with something that works more consistently. It's not even that it happens sometimes and not others, it actually seems to happen on some computers and not others.

Unfortunately, it's not even the only thing that works fine on our machines but is causing issues for other players; the gameplay videos I've seen are too bright, have no shadows, and have rendering artefacts on the beams - which we've never seen before. You can't even disable shadows in the options menu or with the console, but somehow people don't have them.

This is going to be fun to figure out.
bothered Aug 11, 2017 @ 3:05am 
I5- 3570K @ 3.4ghZ. gtx 970 Stix, 16GB Ram.
CroyBoy Aug 11, 2017 @ 7:37am 
Originally posted by Aegon Games:
We might have to replace that section entirely with something that works more consistently. It's not even that it happens sometimes and not others, it actually seems to happen on some computers and not others.

Unfortunately, it's not even the only thing that works fine on our machines but is causing issues for other players; the gameplay videos I've seen are too bright, have no shadows, and have rendering artefacts on the beams - which we've never seen before. You can't even disable shadows in the options menu or with the console, but somehow people don't have them.

This is going to be fun to figure out.

Oh good luck - I really hope you figure it out as I'm really enjoying your game

I've actually got all the problems you listed - no shadows, rendering artefacts on the beams. Not sure if it's too bright, but it looked fine to me. Does this mean it could actually look even nicer?

I've got a i7-4770k, 1080ti, 32gigs. Just shout if you need anything more from me / or want to run tests
Innocentive Aug 11, 2017 @ 10:19am 
Originally posted by Aegon Games:
It's possible to complete level 8 - as it is with most other levels - without going the standard route if need be[/spoiler]
Off topic, but I did find that in many levels it was possible to bypass what seems to be the intended solution by using your cubes cleverly. It is good to know that you seem aware of that 'issue' but I think especially in some of the later levels it might be more resonable to keep the player more on track...
Aegon Games  [developer] Aug 11, 2017 @ 12:04pm 
I've just pushed a new build to Steam that I think should address all of the problems. The graphics issues seem to be caused by the game using Unity's lowest built-in settings by default; our own options menu overrides most of the important settings, but some things were not (shadows for example).

I'm less confident about the fix for box throwing since I was never able to reproduce the initial issue, but I've now made boxes inherit the character's velocity on the moving platform so you shouldn't collide with it. The side effect of this change is that you don't even need to catch the box on the other side anymore, you can just throw it straight over to safety.

Could someone who was having issues with the box throwing please let me know if the new build helps? Thanks.

Originally posted by CroyBoy:
Originally posted by Aegon Games:
We might have to replace that section entirely with something that works more consistently. It's not even that it happens sometimes and not others, it actually seems to happen on some computers and not others.

Unfortunately, it's not even the only thing that works fine on our machines but is causing issues for other players; the gameplay videos I've seen are too bright, have no shadows, and have rendering artefacts on the beams - which we've never seen before. You can't even disable shadows in the options menu or with the console, but somehow people don't have them.

This is going to be fun to figure out.

Oh good luck - I really hope you figure it out as I'm really enjoying your game

I've actually got all the problems you listed - no shadows, rendering artefacts on the beams. Not sure if it's too bright, but it looked fine to me. Does this mean it could actually look even nicer?

I've got a i7-4770k, 1080ti, 32gigs. Just shout if you need anything more from me / or want to run tests

The game should actually look just like the trailer, which isn't what I've been seeing from the screenshots and videos I've found.

Originally posted by Innocentive:
Originally posted by Aegon Games:
It's possible to complete level 8 - as it is with most other levels - without going the standard route if need be[/spoiler]
Off topic, but I did find that in many levels it was possible to bypass what seems to be the intended solution by using your cubes cleverly. It is good to know that you seem aware of that 'issue' but I think especially in some of the later levels it might be more resonable to keep the player more on track...

Yeah, we found ways to cheat most of the levels but decided not to fix them for the moment. If players can find inventive ways to bypass obstacles, I'm okay with that so long as the exploits are mostly less obvious than the actual path. If people can figure a way out of the level with less effort than it takes to solve the puzzle, then that's something we'll want to deal with. Either the puzzles are too hard or the exploits are too obvious.
Last edited by Aegon Games; Aug 11, 2017 @ 12:13pm
Innocentive Aug 11, 2017 @ 12:12pm 
Originally posted by Aegon Games:
If people can figure a way out of the level with less effort than it takes to solve the puzzle, then that's something we'll want to deal with. Either the puzzles are too hard or the exploits are too obvious.
I wouldn't say that the exploits are too obvious but when you're hunting for secrets you're sort of bound to find a lot of ways to get on top of things if you know what I mean, and that often enables you to skip parts of puzzles in an easier fashion than solving the original puzzle. Tell me if you want me to provide more info.
bothered Aug 12, 2017 @ 1:29am 
I went back to check. I now have build 6432 and I have shadows. The problem with being knocked off the platform remains though.
Aegon Games  [developer] Aug 12, 2017 @ 7:47am 
Originally posted by bothered:
I went back to check. I now have build 6432 and I have shadows. The problem with being knocked off the platform remains though.

Well that's unfortunate, I've just removed that part of the level in the newest build.
TarjaS Aug 12, 2017 @ 10:59am 
I've got a different problem with puzzle 8: that f---ing falling cube. I just spent an hour with that puzzle and most of that time was trying to catch the cube. I accidentally managed it once, but of course I need to do it again, and after couple of hundred (at least) tries I gave up. I guess I should have done that earlier, because this puzzle took me past the point of refund. This game's difficulty curve is seriously messed up.
bothered Aug 13, 2017 @ 1:13am 
Thought it was easy to catch. You don't have to be 'in front' of the button to press it.
Aegon Games  [developer] Aug 13, 2017 @ 3:00am 
That box catching part isn't even meant to be an obstacle really, it's only there to demonstrate how the dissolve walls work. Just to be sure, I did test it with a gamepad with the sensitivity way lower and way higher than I expect people will set it and was still able to catch it most of the time.

It's pretty much impossible to properly balance things when everyone finds different things easy/difficult; when feedback ranges from "this part is way too easy" to "this part is impossible", it's hard to know which way to go.

Admittedly, that section is a little out of place in a game that's otherwise pretty slow-paced. I honestly didn't think it'd be an issue but I'll look into making it easier to block the box from being destroyed because we definitely don't want that to be causing frustration.

EDIT: The new build replaces the falling box section with something easier
Last edited by Aegon Games; Aug 13, 2017 @ 11:27am
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