Time Warpers
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Kenzie  [δημιουργός] 31 Οκτ 2018, 15:01
Thoughts, Suggestions & Experiences. Share Them Here :)
There's a lot of forum posts to go through, if you want to just give some quick feedback feel free to post anything in this thread.

You won't be criticized for your opinion, if you had a bad experience, that information is very valuable too! Or if you are having fun and just want to say what you enjoy most.

So don't worry about reading all the other posts if you don't want to, and if you ask something that comes up a lot, that is just a sign to us that we aren't explaining it well in-game.

Feel free to reply to other players in this thread too, Proton & I read everything eventually, but sometimes are too busy to respond right away.

You can always make your own new thread if you want more in-depth discussion on an idea too.
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Εμφάνιση 1-15 από 293 σχόλια
Do you guys planing to ad achievments ?

Congrats with release ! )
Proton  [δημιουργός] 2 Νοε 2018, 14:14 
Yes, we are planning Steam achievements. We had a discussion with the pre-alpha testers between 2 options:

1. Release more achievements over time in batches
2. Wait until further in development and release all achievements at once

Some players get upset when they get 90% of the achievements, then we suddenly add a bunch more and their progress drops to 50%.

But we are pretty sure that most players in Early Access would be okay with new Achievements being added.
Wow its the best clicker i ever play.
i think it would be nice if we could move and aim the camera in ghost mode. Maybe with wasd and aim it with the mouse while holding the right mouse button.

with kind regards
There should be a way to spawn new waves without being in ghost mode, since occasionally I want to grind a level manually. Having to switch in and out of ghost mode to do so hinders that.

Similarly, ghost mode should not automatically spawn waves. If I'm using it to buy upgrades or adjust weapon profiles, I don't want to have to worry about taking damage when I move out of ghost mode to progress.

Being in hover mode does address this, but not until wave 70, and not while on foot to look for butterflies.

Chargers occasionally get stuck inside terrain, especially if there's a low overhang. I noticed it several times in levels 71-80.

I've occasionally seen trivial horde levels fail because enemies get stuck where the drone and turret can't hit them.

I suggest placing the weapon autobuy ability before the critical change/damage upgrades. It's significantly more important than those two initially.

I would also like a way to move the camera in ghost mode.

There should be a way to see how many time cubes you've collected while on the ground. Right now, the only way to find out is to hover over the Time Warp button in the orbit view.
A WALK BUTTON. It is impossible to stay on some ledges/pillars because the character movement is so fast and loose, It's like you're running on ice
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Spidergoat; 3 Νοε 2018, 9:24
Hey bought your game without regrets. Not a fan of the health display though maybe turn it into a bar instead of hearts?
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Ser Penguin:
Hey bought your game without regrets. Not a fan of the health display though maybe turn it into a bar instead of hearts?
on top of that armor perk, attack/speed/dps/movement speed shrine
I enjoyed a lot from Time Clicker and I love this game too!

My suggestions and thoughts.
- Please give us an option to disable heartbeat sound on low health.
- "Mute when background" thing would be helpful when idling.
- Another gameplay option to suggest ; Auto-spawn the horde/boss when entering the 5th/10th areas
- Time Cube Upgrade ; Hoverbike Autoclick (obvious effect)
- Switch Drone Position key ; Drone shots are obstructed if you submerge the drone into the wall to your left. Better make their position switchable to the other side.

If you happen to plan for a Japanese localization, I might be able to help you!
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Toyoch; 3 Νοε 2018, 14:56
So question-slash-suggestion.
So far from what I've seen... there's one blue butterfly per 2 zones (10 stages) yes?

If yes, please make it clearer that it's only 1 per 10 by only showing the actual zones I/we need to search in. I spent the looooooongest time scouring 11-15 trying to find one after I confirmed their existence by finding one in 6-10, only quite a bit later (after giving up and moving on) noticing that x1-x5 zones got ticked off at the same time as x6-x0. Not a particularly fun half-hour anyway.

If no, then Houston: we have a problem... if this is the case half the game is missing bluies.
Kenzie  [δημιουργός] 3 Νοε 2018, 16:17 
So just to confirm..

Red Butterflies - 1 Red Butterfly in every zone (1, 2, 3, etc)
Blue Butterflies - 1 Blue Butterfly in every 10 zones (1-10, 11-21, etc)

We have received some feedback that the UI can be a bit confusing.

One suggestion we got was to add a progression stat when hovering over the Blue Butterfly UI (Zones 1-10 Progress: 0/1). We do this on the Red Butterfly UI so could be useful for the Blue as well.

We're still not sure what can be adjusted to make the Orbit Screen UI less confusing. We didn't want to specify which half of the 10 zones the blue butterfly is in (1-5 or 6-10) and since you teleport every 5 zones instead of 10 so the UI spreads across multiple boxes in Orbit.
Yeah, it's the Orbit UI that confused me, as it said nothing about the one-per-ten part. Logical assumptions and all that led me to think there were 20 to find, and ended up searching for one that didn't exist.

Still, I'm past that and 'know' now, so now I'm fully enjoying a most assuredly great idle/clicker game :)
Count me in as another person that really wants to be able to control the camera in ghost mode. I spend way too much time staring at a wall instead of the action.
When I use ghost mode in my hover bike, my gun,drone and turret all cannot hit the large monster because of the obstacle in the 72nd zone.

2018-11-5 17:46:54:The problem is not only in the 72nd zone, but also in the whole map between the 71st to the 80th zone.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από QQwiwi; 5 Νοε 2018, 1:49
The time attack feedback is backwards: when you're doing better than your record the number should be negative and green, not positive and green. Watch literally any motorsport coverage, the positive/negative situation you have now is the wrong way.
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