Sellsword VR

Sellsword VR

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
FergJoe  [developer] Sep 29, 2017 @ 2:23am
Launch Day!
Thank you.
On behalf of our entire team (all 3 of us), a huge "thank you" - if you're here, you put your faith us, and invested some of your hard-earned cash in the future of this game. We're going to do all we can to make Sellsword VR one of your favorite VR games!

We're a family team chasing our dream, and we're glad you decided to come along for the ride! We're looking forward to hearing all about your adventures with The Guild, talking with you about what you like most about the game - and what you'd like to see us add in the future. We'll all be on here each day - keeping you in the loop about bug fixes, new content, and features.

We chose Early Access so we could use feedback from our players to make a truly great game. We hope you'll post here anytime you have a concern, suggestion, or want to brag about the horrible death you gave to poor Gobbie, Skelly, Fred, or any of the other baddies you'll be slaughtering.

We're pretty crazy about playing through the game a lot before we upload a patch, but if you find a bug we missed, be sure to report it in the Bug Reporting Thread.

If you want to know what we're currently working on, check out the stickies here. The Development Roadmap will let you know what we're working on right now, and let you know what features to expect.

Again - Thank You.
Last edited by FergJoe; Sep 29, 2017 @ 2:25am