The Ranger: Lost Tribe

The Ranger: Lost Tribe

Some small suggestions
1. The game lacks Valve Index support. Yes it's playable, but the controls are built for the Vive so it feels really awkward and uncomfortable on the Index even after changing keybinds. This is the main reason I stopped playing

2. Have teleport/movement on your off hand joystick and add snap turn (instantly turn 45 degrees ingame) to your main hand. This feature is especially useful if you have a small play area and if you are standing right behind a wall it makes it easier and more comfortable to get back to the middle of the room and it also helps with avoiding cable tangling

3. I noticed it is impossible to insta-stealth kill if you use loco motion instead of teleport. There are a few possible solutions for this:
- The first one would be to add crouch walking. It will be triggered if you crouch IRL, or you could add a toggle crouch keybind for people that have trouble crouching. While crouching, you will generate no footsteps and enemies won't notice you if they don't see you so you can get behind an enemy and insta-kill them from behind (pros: better immersion. cons: a bit slow)
- The second option is to give you the option to teleport even if you have loco motion enabled. A key to swap between teleport/locomotion could do the trick (pros: probably easier to implement, quick, let's people swap to teleport/locomotion easily without using the settings menu. cons: it will still be impossible to stealthkill with locomotion, might ruin some immersion for locomotion players)