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-$ilver- Dec 20, 2020 @ 11:30am
Amazing game!
Sad so few people know of this it seems. I will have to try to get the word out. A very nice and relaxing brick breaker with plenty of power-ups and power-downs. The music is a very good feature as well. It really reminds me of the Classic Sim Cities of yore. Really great stuff! The only improvement I could see, would be of course more levels and even better, a level editor. Then the community could create as many levels as they wanted and have others play them. That should attract the creative crowd.
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76561198412570022  [developer] Jan 9, 2021 @ 10:47am 
I appreciate your compliments very much! In regards to a level editor, I've had the idea very early on that this would be a great feature. But in all honesty, I don't really know how to incorporate all of it.

Most of Brickochet was made with the help of tutorials, mainly videos, which give me a practical example of how things are implemented. Even after all this time, I haven't found any tutorials on how to coordinate a level editor with the Steam workshop, among other things. And Game Maker Studio 1 is becoming increasingly outdated, lessening the odds of useful examples being made. I know it's possible, and I'd like to make it at some point, but I can't give a definite guarantee. Apologies for my shortcomings.
-$ilver- Jan 9, 2021 @ 7:11pm 
Short comings... ha! Short comings is having hundreds of ideas in your head and never being able to come through all or any of them. You actually made a fantastic game. And with plenty of levels, upgrades and downgrades (that was evil of you by the way... :lunar2019laughingpig: ).

Obviously it would be nice to have player map editor. I have no idea how to implement it. The base of it should be there, as it should be the same way you made the levels to begin with. It is just how to incorporate those made by others into the game or to keep them in an online library of sorts, but without them being able to mess with other's work. No easy task I am sure, unless like you said you knew how, saw a tutorial on it or simply by accident or trial and error figured it out. Maybe one day we will have it. ^^!
Last edited by -$ilver-; Jan 9, 2021 @ 7:13pm
76561198412570022  [developer] Jan 10, 2021 @ 1:52pm 
Thanks so much for your understanding. It mainly comes down to the coding of it - having the exact words to type in a precise order. At least to me, code (without a practical example to follow) is kind of like reading and comprehending sheet music without ever listening to the song. It's complicated but it can be rewarding once done correctly.

But all of this has given me an interesting idea. I am planning on having an announcement in the near future that will involve the community and new levels! I hope you'll look forward to it!
-$ilver- Jan 10, 2021 @ 2:05pm 
Oh yes, coding is beyond my comprehension. I am not saying I could not do "something", if I had a manual in front of me and unlimited time. But my memory or lack there of, would get the better of me and I would have to constantly search back and forth through it all to find how to do something.

That to me is not progress and is just frustrating. I have dabbled in Half Life 1 and Sven Co-op mapping, but never past the tutorial stages for the most part. And I have tried RPG Maker XP (before Steam) and even on the PS1. And the most I have done is make unfinished games on Quest Text Adventure maker. ^^!

And I will look forward to your announcement.
Eye of Newt May 30, 2021 @ 3:04pm 
Even given the limitations of the game engine, I have to say this has been a fun pastime and I still revisit it every now and then. :)
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