Ancient Cities

Ancient Cities

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UncasualGames  [developer] Mar 8, 2022 @ 9:11am
Now developing : Migrants
Small groups of migrants will eventually arrive in your village. This will be a new way of expanding your tribe, with all that this brings... more mouths to feed, more labour, new mates of childbearing age and, in the future, new knowledge...

How would you like to see us expand this feature in the future?
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Showing 1-15 of 21 comments
Ramsess Mar 8, 2022 @ 10:55am 
Trading with Migrants. Information about other tribes (Friendly, neutral or aggressive tribes) on the world map. Information about where you might be able to find X type of animal, plant or resource (Marble, large stones, tree variant).
Ramsess Mar 8, 2022 @ 10:58am 
You also mention knowledge, which is a great idea. But I would suggest having this ( as the current range option instead of the bow and arrow and have the bow and arrow being unlocked as you mention by migrant or through tech tree if that is something you will have further in the dev process.
LadyLillyno Mar 8, 2022 @ 11:39am 
Just a few suggestion off the top of my head, will prolly think of more later.
Some of these can perhaps best be served as a DLC or as an addon to the finished base-game at a later point :)

* Children can also immigrate, with or without parent(s)

* Immigrants can sometimes be accepted or rejected, i.e if a diva with a lot of bad traits wishes to settle with us, we can deny the membership, if randomness gives us the option, and chuck em off to the wolves! Or if Antra and Leixa gets their will , we can sacrifice them to the Gods :P (No Leixa, you can not get cannibalism, like, ever!)

* Random, if any, Skills/Knowledges in adults over 16, such as one or more of: weaponry, cooking, sewing, hunting, fishing, tool-making, fighting, building, botanic skills medicine/healing-person, musicians, artists, stone-carvers, child-menders, story-tellers, jesters, spiritual-priest-person/ shaman, fertility-experts/marriage counsellors for couples that cant get children :D ...and so on.

* News of the world coming with the immigrants, sitting around the fireplace sharing these stories can i.e. give a short but big happiness boost to all tribe members.
The members with higher intelligence traits can, based on the grade, learn new technology from some of the stories.

* Livestock coming with the immigrants

* Immigrants can also bring with them secrets of new knowledge within areas we do not have in the game at that time, a sort of "early release" for how to catch birds, how to create fishing nets, how to make a boat, how to fish crabs, how to create stone houses, how to cultivate wild corns such as barley and wheat etc. This can be a very rare gift from immigrants, it should be random and not guaranteed for all tribes to get.
Can also be made so that these secrets are the only way to get some of the technologies to your tribe.

* Immigrants can also bring with them items from their culture, such as a Totem for their spirits, or specific building, or special clothing/colours and accessories belonging to their culture and/or beliefs.

* Newly arrived immigrants can excite the tribe so much that it might create random boosts to the tribe, for example, for a limited amount of time, the hunters kill much faster, fishermen can fish twice as fast, fertility in women increased for a short time, etc.
When the immigrants are acclimatised to our environment and vice versa the boosts can wear off, or smt smt :)
Last edited by LadyLillyno; Mar 8, 2022 @ 11:45am
ladicken Mar 8, 2022 @ 5:46pm 
Agriculture arrived in Europe from Middle East immigrants in or around 6000 BC. I want to plant wheat and tend sheep and cattle. And grow hemp, as it's a multi-use plant. :)
hazbones Mar 8, 2022 @ 6:30pm 
Since we are discussing migrants as part of a society, I don't think we should be talking about trade at this point (there's also a trade section of the game's roadmap).
There is also a section of the roadmap for knowledge so I'll hold my comments on that subject as well.

Here are my ideas to further develop migrants into the SOCIETY aspect of the game:

1) SOCIAL STRATIFICATION: Devs should come up with some way to integrate social stratification based on any number of social bases (i.e. occupation, class, wealth, skill, etc.). That way when new migrants come to the clan, options are presented to the player how their tribe will respond to these new arrivals by choosing the social status each person should be invited into. Each status has it's own set of buff/debuffs it has on the clan and how the other clan members associate with them. It can initially be a hierarchy something simple like "HIGH BORN/COMMONER/SLAVE" castes or "UPPER/MID/LOWER" classes and build it out from there and as the eras progress you can incorporate things like familial or clan headships, tribal leadership, vassalage, feudalism, and such. There are countless ways social stratification can be based on and it should be easy to implement.

2) FAMILIAL HOUSEHOLDS: when new migrants arrive, the player will be presented with options how those people are incorporated into the tribe (or not). They can be adopted into already established families, let them start their own family, or make them an outcaste and though they are tolerated to hang around the settlement, they are shunned and cannot start their own family. This allows the player to accept into their family fresh blood with good traits, hand off the mediocre to the other families in the tribe to continue the overall growth of the settlement, or sideline those migrants that don't contribute anything good to the group.

3) SKILLS/ABILITIES: as I mentioned about the social stratification of people, the skills and abilities of these migrants can be categorized based on what level of society you allow them to inhabit (i.e. a migrant with mysticism skills can be allowed into the religious caste eventually becoming priests/herbalists/shaman, or a migrant with fighting abilities can be allowed into the warrior caste becoming proficient in one of the weapon classes).

and go... :winter2019happyyul:
Last edited by hazbones; Mar 8, 2022 @ 6:41pm
hazbones Mar 8, 2022 @ 6:37pm 
and btw, I do like the idea of migrants bringing news (KNOWLEDGE) of the world to the settlement and perhaps unlocking new areas of the map with that new knowledge. Kind of like Columbus trying to convince people the earth wasn't flat (sorry flat-earthers), or unlocking new things like additional plants for herbalism or planting, new animals for hunting, new weapon/tool designs, etc. This can be totally random each time a group of migrants comes to a settlement, "like a box of chocolates", you never know what you're going to get. :steamhappy:
Last edited by hazbones; Mar 8, 2022 @ 6:40pm
Ramsess Mar 9, 2022 @ 12:59pm 
Originally posted by hazbones:
and btw, I do like the idea of migrants bringing news (KNOWLEDGE) of the world to the settlement and perhaps unlocking new areas of the map with that new knowledge. Kind of like Columbus trying to convince people the earth wasn't flat (sorry flat-earthers), or unlocking new things like additional plants for herbalism or planting, new animals for hunting, new weapon/tool designs, etc. This can be totally random each time a group of migrants comes to a settlement, "like a box of chocolates", you never know what you're going to get. :steamhappy:

Columbus or anyone in that time period did not think the world was flat.
The church had nothing against a round earth, what I had issues with later on was that the earth was not the centre of the solar system. Basically the sun being the centre was a nono for the church.
Columbus was certain it was faster to get to India/China by going west then going south around Africa.

The whole flat earth thing was sprawled up by some idiot Brit in like the 18 to 20th century. Robothom or some ♥♥♥♥ like that, hes the cause of all flat earthers today.
LadyLillyno Mar 10, 2022 @ 8:25am 
Would be a lot less of things like "flat-earth" groups if we were taught the wonderful world of critical thinking from young age. :)
hazbones Mar 10, 2022 @ 6:09pm 
What, everyone keyed in on a bad joke attempt (flat earth) and not a single reply on the suggestions made about the actual game? Sorry devs, I suck for inciting off-topic discussion in your thread :steamfacepalm:
Last edited by hazbones; Mar 10, 2022 @ 6:13pm
LadyLillyno Mar 11, 2022 @ 7:24am 
Indeed, cant add to "perfect" :P
ladicken Mar 12, 2022 @ 7:44pm 
Is there going to be sometime in future updates, the ability to select which workers go into which groups? I'm not certain what the point is of having folks with different traits if you can't put them to use.

Lazy ones go collect straw, good ones can make tools and get food. We should have the ability to take advantage of their traits if they are going to have them.
ladicken Mar 12, 2022 @ 7:45pm 
And while I'm here, when do we get the manual gathering tool back?
UncasualGames  [developer] Mar 16, 2022 @ 4:39am 
Originally posted by ladicken:
Is there going to be sometime in future updates, the ability to select which workers go into which groups? I'm not certain what the point is of having folks with different traits if you can't put them to use.

Lazy ones go collect straw, good ones can make tools and get food. We should have the ability to take advantage of their traits if they are going to have them.
Every citizen tends to prioritise the tasks that best suit their attributes, but nothing is perfect, as is the case in reality.
Last edited by UncasualGames; Mar 16, 2022 @ 4:40am
UncasualGames  [developer] Mar 16, 2022 @ 4:40am 
Originally posted by ladicken:
And while I'm here, when do we get the manual gathering tool back?
Maybe as a special game option to be enabled in the game menu. But we need to discuss it further.
ladicken Mar 16, 2022 @ 5:50am 
Originally posted by UncasualGames:
Originally posted by ladicken:
And while I'm here, when do we get the manual gathering tool back?
Maybe as a special game option to be enabled in the game menu. But we need to discuss it further.

As an option in the menu would be perfect, that way people could choose to use it or not.
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Date Posted: Mar 8, 2022 @ 9:11am
Posts: 21