Primal Lands
Monkofmimmir 14 NOV 2017 a las 8:48
Is the game dead
no updates since august suggests it is...
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Brettpenzer123  [desarrollador] 14 NOV 2017 a las 9:56 

The game is pretty much alive, I've been busy with college, university and work so I haven't had much time to update any of my games. I will update them all very soon.

Feel free to suggest anything you would like to see in the game.

Kind Regards
Última edición por Brettpenzer123; 14 NOV 2017 a las 9:56
Brettpenzer123  [desarrollador] 12 DIC 2017 a las 8:42 
Última edición por Brettpenzer123; 12 DIC 2017 a las 8:43
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