Field of Glory II

Field of Glory II

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Zarkarion  [developer] Mar 25 @ 12:26am
My game can’t write save game files! Possible fixes.
My game can’t write save game files! Possible fixes.

1 - Check that Controller Folder Access is off (it is off by default).
Win+S, type controlled folder access and open the settings page. Ensure that the toggle is off. [This may only give you access if you are not using a separate antivirus program]

2 - Anti-virus. Some AVs have a folder protection feature.
You should whitelist the game EXE to allow it to write to the Documents/My Games folder.
The exact process for this will depend on your installed AV.

3 - Try renaming the folder Documents/My Games/<game folder>.
Sometimes the folder gets created with the wrong permissions (e.g. Admin) that prevents normal game runs from writing.
Rename the game folder to something else, and then try running the game again.
The game should rebuild the folder tree. You can then copy across any files that you need to keep.

4 - Check the folder permissions
Navigate to the folder via C:\Users\<your username>\Documents\My Games
Right click on the game folder, and choose Properties -> Security.
Click on the entry for your username and check the permissions in the bottom window.
If need be, click Edit and change the permissions to allow full access.

5 - It could be a syncing issue.
Try disabling Steam Cloud Saves and then running the game to see if that fixes it.
If you are running OneDrive try disabling that and running the game.
Often just running successfully once will allow it to continue working after you enable the sync services.