Tracks - The Train Set Game

Tracks - The Train Set Game

Vis statistikker:
 Denne tråd er blevet fastgjort, så den er sikkert vigtig
Dr. Whoop DSc  [udvikler] 27. juni 2017 kl. 8:18
Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of all of the frequently asked questions for Tracks - The Train Set Game

Will there be Mac and Linux versions?
I don't have any plans to officially support these for the time being, though I am told that Tracks runs very well using Valve Proton for Linux.

Will the game support VR
Once I am completely happy with the content of the game I may add VR support, but it isn't a priority.

What engine does the game use?
Unreal Engine 4

Will there be workshop support?
Almost certainly, I am currently looking into how to incorporate the Workshop and will put out a status update when possible.

Will there be multiplayer?
I have no immediate plans to add multiplayer, at least not while the core game still has work that needs to be done.

My question is not here!
Feel free to search for your question in the forums, someone else may already have an answer. If you still don't have any joy, create a new discussion and we'll do our best to answer your question.
Sidst redigeret af Dr. Whoop DSc; 31. mar. 2021 kl. 5:40