SpellForce 2 - Faith in Destiny

SpellForce 2 - Faith in Destiny

KFDan Apr 21, 2013 @ 1:02am
Faith in Destiny and DLC worth buying?
I played Spellforce years back when it came out and really enjoyed it. I havn't played SF2 however and was wondering if it's worth buying Faith in Destiny with the DLC as well.

I've seen a bunch of mixed opinions about it so was wondering for a few more!

Would you recommend Faith in Destiny and it's DLC packs? Otherwise I may just purchase SF2:Gold Edition
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
buchecker Apr 21, 2013 @ 1:46pm 
Buy the Gold edition. Alot more bang for your buck.
Peteroo Apr 26, 2013 @ 2:06pm 
Faith is a very short game -- closer to a demo than a full product. I couldn't believe how quickly I hit the end.

The three DLCs to date have been decent, but little stand-alone adventures of this kind run counter to the the whole weight and spirit of the grand Spellforce tradition. My hope (based on nothing so far) that that Nordic will merge all these scenarios into a grand whole.

But meanwhile, I'm looking elsewhere to feed my Spellforce habit: I'm replaying the oiriginal games.
I 2nd Peteroo's opinion as it's the same as my own. Spellforce 1 and it's following expansions were such a grand adventure and story that all wove together. It's part of my childhood and what has formed my opinion on all modern RTS games. They have big shoes to fill but i'm confident that they'll do good work, playing the DLC i can see that it's got a lot of love and attention to it. Just hope to see more in a real xpack, not a tiny DLC scenario.
Andy Lyviu Jul 2, 2013 @ 7:05am 
Originally posted by KFDan:
I played Spellforce years back when it came out and really enjoyed it. I havn't played SF2 however and was wondering if it's worth buying Faith in Destiny with the DLC as well.

I've seen a bunch of mixed opinions about it so was wondering for a few more!

Would you recommend Faith in Destiny and it's DLC packs? Otherwise I may just purchase SF2:Gold Edition
get the Collector's Edition!!! far more better, includes 1dvd with Spellforce 1 gold edition with all expantions included, 1dvd Spellforce 2 Shadow wars with Dragonstorm expansion and 1 dvd with Spellforce 2 faith in destiny, also provides a map and some artworks post cards! really awsome! it's very beautiful the box too
Eldritch Jul 3, 2013 @ 12:03am 
It most definitely depends on what OS/hardware you're running. I'd recommend checking out the official "technical support" forum for each game, there you'll find a lot of people having issues and only getting fanboy responses. Based on my experience, the dev team didn't really do anything to update these games to make them playable out of the box on modern machines.

In most cases there will simply be nothing you can do to make them play properly or prevent them from crashing. Case in point, Spellforce 1 Platinum crashes when you try to click "options". Trying everything from compatiblity mode to attemping to install a custom DX9 installation, nothing worked. Buyer beware.

Last edited by Eldritch; Jul 3, 2013 @ 12:06am
ginx2666 Aug 15, 2013 @ 4:16am 
FiD is not worth HDD space it's stored on. It's an incomplete, short, buggy steaming pile of faeces. There's no explanation WHATSOEVER for appearance of new characters, race (which in PvP is overpowered as hell), animations of new units are missing or are incomplete, music doesn't match to what's happening on screen, there are bugs present that were quickly patched in DS, from the day of release UP TO NOW devs couldn't fix the Access Violation bug, main campaign is short, rushed and obviously not tested by anyone... NG focused on DLCs before fixing problems with the damn main game. Honestly, it would be better if it ended on Dragon Storm. If you liked Spellforce 2 up to Dragon Storm, for the love of gods DON'T buy FiD.

Face the facts - any franshise NG puts its hands on is going to be defiled. Worst thing? They got Darksiders.
MegalomaniacNG  [developer] Aug 27, 2013 @ 1:29am 
First of all Faith in Destiny was not developed by us. We bought it and had to release it. We did the best possible out of the base. The DLCs should show the fans that we are up to doing real SpellForce gameplay. I think we managed to do that as fans feedback was great. In October we will bring a final expansion to SpellForce 2 which should also show that we are able to continue the games in this spirit.
craig234 Oct 22, 2013 @ 10:13am 
I already own FiD - haven't played it yet - sounds like it's not good, but the comment above sounds like it's also worth getting the DLC for since I already have it.
xsys Oct 23, 2013 @ 5:04pm 
What is the best FID dlc out of the three?
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