VR Battleship YAMATO
Menus not responding (Quest 2)
First time I ran it, worked fine. Now when starting it up again, no buttons work in the main menu except the B button, which only brings up the menu again in context but I can't select anything. Is anyone else seeing similar behavior?
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Показані коментарі 15 із 5
Same exact problem here. It's unplayable like this. I'm using the index.
After trying to troubleshoot further I ended up refunding before I lost the ability to. Such a disappointment!
I'm using the reverb G2,HTC VIVE pro2、HTC COSMOS.
Same exact problem. It's unplayable like this.
I have contacted the official support many times and never got any response.
It's a shame because I was looking really forward to this.
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Показані коментарі 15 із 5
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