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DedZedNub Jun 4, 2017 @ 2:59pm
Strength Estimate of Program?
Could you estimate an ELO or USCF Rating for the flChess program's various difficulty levels, please, thanks.

Also, does it allow you to practice certain openings or other tutorials.
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Neon Aug 9, 2017 @ 9:44pm 
flChess's using Crafty engine I believe, which has 2732 ELO rating according to http://www.computerchess.org.uk/ccrl/4040/cgi/engine_details.cgi?print=Details+(text)&eng=Crafty%2023.4%2032-bit.
Wok Aug 9, 2017 @ 11:51pm 
Sorry, but what hints make you believe it is this engine?
Neon Aug 10, 2017 @ 12:50am 
Originally posted by Wok:
Sorry, but what hints make you believe it is this engine?

"Main feature - smart artificial intellect, which can give you hard work! For experienced players - chess machine Crafty, which have much rewards!"
Last edited by Neon; Aug 10, 2017 @ 1:00am
Wok Aug 10, 2017 @ 1:23am 
Ah cool. I missed that. Thanks!
Neon Aug 10, 2017 @ 1:23am 
Originally posted by Wok:
Ah cool. I missed that. Thanks!
DedZedNub Aug 10, 2017 @ 5:24pm 
Thanks for the info. 2720 Elo is about what the human World Champion or the Challenger were rated. I didn't realize there were that many strong computer programs nowadays. Jeez.

Well, it also seems to be tested outside of its book fairly often. Somewhere there was a complaint that the board couldn't be rotated. Sure likes like it can be rotated, since the trailer shows it and one of the reviews says you can.

Estimates on the strength seem to be all over the map though from the reviews. Might have to do with going way outside the book. Hmm. Seemed solid in the examples given in the trailer. I'm nowhere near 2700 Elo and haven't played in a long time. Best I ever beat was 1800 and I was around 1300 USCF (basically same scale as ELO)

Can it be made to show its analysis, thought lines, and so on? Can it also play against itself from a position you feed it?

I'd figure it should be able to, since that used to be fairly standard in chess programs.
Last edited by DedZedNub; Aug 10, 2017 @ 5:34pm
Neon Aug 10, 2017 @ 5:57pm 
In flChess atleast I don't think you can enable any type of analysis,
neither play from custom positions, the engine is strong of course,
but nowhere close to Stockfish 8. Stockfish is not only one of the strongest (if not the strongest)
Chess engines available, but it's completely free and open-source which is obviously a big plus.
Stockfish is rated 3388 according to http://www.computerchess.org.uk/ccrl/4040/rating_list_all.html.
Originally posted by DedZedNub:
Thanks for the info. 2720 Elo is about what the human World Champion or the Challenger were rated. I didn't realize there were that many strong computer programs nowadays. Jeez.

Well, it also seems to be tested outside of its book fairly often. Somewhere there was a complaint that the board couldn't be rotated. Sure likes like it can be rotated, since the trailer shows it and one of the reviews says you can.

Estimates on the strength seem to be all over the map though from the reviews. Might have to do with going way outside the book. Hmm. Seemed solid in the examples given in the trailer. I'm nowhere near 2700 Elo and haven't played in a long time. Best I ever beat was 1800 and I was around 1300 USCF (basically same scale as ELO)

Can it be made to show its analysis, thought lines, and so on? Can it also play against itself from a position you feed it?

I'd figure it should be able to, since that used to be fairly standard in chess programs.
DedZedNub Aug 10, 2017 @ 6:31pm 
Ok, thanks Zugzwang. I'm going to look at some of the free software and engines as well then. I'm doing some research on it now.

I can see various Chess Engines, now I need to pick the right one for displaying and connecting to the Engine (Engine seems to be basically the A.I. and by Display Engine I sort of mean what displays all the stuff coming out of the engine, analysis, board, moves, position, etc.) WinBoard/X-Board is one. But I need to see if I can find a UCI compatible one I guess as well.

You don't happen to know if they have available any great game collections or classic combination puzzle positions available to try somewhere online.

See, I used to have a nice chess library about 15 years ago. With tons of classic games and some tutorial books on tactics/strategy/middle game/end-game/history/old tournament classic games, so on. But, I lost my house about a decade ago and had to get rid of those in the process. Might not have been a great collection for modern players, but for me it had all I needed to play many classic games from about 1800 to 1970s that wa and learn and be entertained. Sort of miss all those now. Plus the stories of the tournaments alone made you feel a bit like you were there, which was relaxing.
Last edited by DedZedNub; Aug 10, 2017 @ 6:33pm
Whiteswart Oct 22, 2019 @ 5:40am 
Well, dunno why people think that AI is comparable to ELO 2700, it plays more like 1600-1800, but this game have some serious weak points. For a start, there is no "draw" rules. Stalemates there counted as win-lose position, same moves 3 times in the row rule don't applies, and God bless you in the endspiel with kings and knights only...
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